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It's been a week since Devon's birthday party. All the students are excited for the last quidditch game of the year. Slytherin v. Gryffindor this is going to be the game of  games. Everyone's going to talk about no matter what house wins.

Devon's been searching for her accomplice. He hasn't shown up to any classes or popped up anywhere. She was on the verge of giving up.

She headed down to the quidditch field to head to practice.

As she walked into the locker room she can hear her captain from the inside talking about all the girls he's been with the past weekend and expects to sleep with more after the game Saturday.

Devon walks in and the boys go silent.

"Ah Sykes woman of the hour, our top player besides me. How are you?" Marcus Flint looked down at her with a smirk.

"I'm doing fine Flint. Have you seen Berkshire by any chance?" She looked away searching the lockers for her lover.

"Yeah I saw him, but he's not here yet he was looking for Zabini and Nott." He looked over her body.

"Thanks." Devon turned from him in disgust.

"You know Sykes if Berkshire isn't what you thought he was, I know how to treat you right." Flint called from behind her. The other boys snickering

"Oh how disturbing of you." She kept walking to her locker on the girls side of the room.

"What's going on Zabini?" Devon can hear Pucey calling to Blaise from the other side.

She quickly threw on her practice Jersey and joggers and headed back to the other side to be with the boys.

"Hey Dev what's wrong?" Theo looked up at Devon as she sat on the bench near the boys.

"Flint was being gross and I felt uncomfortable that's all but I didn't give in obviously." She looked up at Theo disgust all over her face.

"What the hell did he say to you?" Enzo butted in.

"Don't worry about it darling let's just get on the field." She smiled at him reassuringly.

"Alright but if I hear him say one thing I'll kick his ass." Enzo clenched his fists.

"Hell we'd all kick his ass Dev." Blaise scoffed.

"Thanks boys, let's get out there and practice." She high-fived them.

Practice went well Devon is by far the fastest on the team and is the most daring as well.

As Devon walked out of the locker room to wait for the boys Marcus flint was walking out behind her slapping her ass hard as he passed by her, turning to grin at her.

"Good practice Sykes. Nice ass too." He laughed and his friends patted his back laughing along.

"Do that again I fuckin dare you Flint." Devon was angry venom dripping off every word she spoke.

"Woah woah no need to be so feisty Sykes or I'll do it again so I can put your pretty ass in place." He was closer to her now only inches away smirking down at her.

He looked back at his friends who were snickering to one another and cheering him on. Before he was able to say anything else Devon drew her arm all the way back to bring it forward again with all her force straight into Flints nose.

There was a cracking sound as her fist collided with his nose, sending him flat on his back. The other boys stood there stunned.

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