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Devon could feel the cool air filling up her room and could see the sun peeking through the blinds of her room. She sat up feeling her muscles ache from their constant moving and staying outside in the cold her bone was hurting too.

It's been a week here in a small county called Devon. It's the place her mother and father went to for their honeymoon and they enjoyed all the other magical people and loved the scenery and food the small cities within the county of Devon were magic, they loved it so much that's where they conceived Devon and therefore named her after their favorite place. Obviously, it's not the best way of naming a baby but the small towns held so much meaning for her parents they traveled there again after Devon was born she was a week away from turning one.

Devon wasn't old enough to remember but when they all arrived here in the town at the beginning of the week after moving to different places she felt a familiar pull of comfort.

Devon reached for the side table reaching for the book she found in the book store from the last city they stayed in. Northanger abbey is the book she kicked up from this dusty shelf in the far corner of the store.

She's only on the first three chapters of the book and is already captivated by the story of Catherine Morland and her coming-of-age story.

Devon could feel the chill of the air on her bare skin, since she's been running around and being able to have her own room she's been sleeping without anything but her underwear letting her blood circulate her body better with no restraint from clothing.

She stood from her bed and grabbed her hoodie from off the chair and pulled on her sweats. She walked down the hall of the small cottage they're staying at.

She went into the kitchen and pulled a mug from off the shelf and made a cup of coffee. She went into the fridge and made herself an egg. She walked onto the outside porch and looked out at the view of the little lake near the house, she felt the air fresh in her lungs. She opened up her book and began to read.

Devon has been doing things to try and keep her mind off of him, even when it gets hard she pushes him away she doesn't want to hurt not yet not now there's too much to fight for to be blinded by her heart. Mattheo is somewhere out there, she hopes he found Harry and that they're making their plan to win the war and defeat Voldermort for good.

She could hear everyone talking inside the house she woke up early wanting to be left alone to wake up slowly and not have to be bombarded by concerning looks and tons of questions but now that she's fully awake and her mind is somewhat at peace she's making her way back in.

"Oh Dev, I didn't know you were out there." Nora stood on the other side of the counter pouring a mug of coffee and reached over to pour more for devon but waited for approval, which devon gave with a small nod.

"Yeah I was out there for about an hour and a half, how did you sleep?" Devon took a sip of the coffee.

"So we're there now are we?" Nora lifted her brow as she spread butter and jam on a slice of toast.

"what?" Devon put her hands together and leaned against the counter.

"You're asking me about my sleep? Devon, I know you're hurting I know you miss him and that's totally normal. I miss Fred like crazy and I'm scared for him." Nora reached over the counter and held onto Devon's elbow.

"I know I just don't want it to get in m way of my decision-making and get in the way of keeping us all safe we need to be on our game if we want to stay hidden. Harry is somewhere with Mattheo and they're getting ready for this war and when they get back to Hogwarts we need to be ready." Devon stood up straighter.

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