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It's Tuesday morning Devon opened her eyes stretching out her arms and legs to get her blood flowing again. She sat up in her bed, looking over to her clock on her nightstand. It was seven a.m. It's an hour before anyone else gets up so devon decided to get up and throw on her hoodie to go out and grab a coffee from the common room. Ever since Bella bought the coffee machine for the common room devons has taken her time in the morning to get dressed with a cup of Iced coffee in her hand.

Now, devons beginning to realize the little things to make her happy and it's the little thing she and everyone else should be thankful for in life. After her break up with Enzo she realized she lost a part of herself while she gained a part of him and when he left so did that part of him but the part of herself she had there before left with him too. She noticed she lost the part of herself that made her happy, she was starting to rely on him to make her happy and with that, she gave away her happiness too. Her plan now was to gain it back and to figure out what makes her happy for a while after the breakup she stopped writing, the words stopped flowing the love and joy for writing slipped away to a dark place she couldn't see into. 

She walked out into the cool dim hallway making her short journey into the common room, she flew down the staircase to make less noise when walking down the old creaky steps. She made her way over to the bookshelf near the fireplace, there is where the coffee machine was located. It was slightly hidden which they were thankful for so most first years would get their sticky hands on it. 

She smiled to herself when she smelled the dark roast brewing. She likes hers with a shot of espresso and sweet cream. As she wanted for the coffee and shot to be made she walked over to the couch and sat near the fire. It was starting to fade so she pointed her wand toward it and brought the fire back to life. 

She made her coffee and made her way back up the steps passing other younger girls who most likely were overachievers and decided to get up at the crack of dawn which Devon could never wrap her head around. They gave her shy smiles and she acted cold putting her mask on and not giving any smile back. She continued to walk back to her room and once inside she threw off her sweats and hoodie she walked over to the bathroom in her t-shirt and underwear. She picked up her walkman music player and slipped on her headphones. 

Devon sat at her vanity looking into the mirror she decided only to add a bit of concealer for the small bags under her eyes due to the task she and Draco were given. She patted in the concealer and then added some mascara lightly on her red lashes. Devon parted her hair down the middle and began to french braid each side pulling out small strands to help frame her face. 

She threw on a matching green pantsuit with a lace bodysuit and an oversized green blazer to go with the pants. She smiled at her reflection. She walked over to her nightstand and pulled out her necklace the one from the begging of the year. It was time and she knew she needed to find Harry Potter and tell him what was going on before it was too late. 

She put it in the inner breast pocket of her blazer and decided against her Slytherin robe, Draco doesn't even wear his anymore and no one would put up a fight with her for missing one day. Devon headed out of the r0oom and down the steps back down to the common room still no one was up she was the only one who decided to wake up this early to hopefully catch Potter when she had the chance, better to get an early start then do it at the wrong time. 

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