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It's been a month since the day Devon came back from New York. Two weeks since she's seen Mattheo she wonders every single night when he'll come back for her. She wonders if he's constantly on the run or if he can at least stop and rest for a few days, where will he sleep? Is there someone to who he can run to? Why didn't he take her with him? When will he come back? All these questions all this time away from him are making her go mad.

Devon's heart can't take much of it anymore she can't even cry anymore. For the first week she couldn't stop crying during the second week she cried herself to sleep every night, it was the only way she could exhaust herself enough to bring sleep. Now she walks around the Gardens to get away from the four walls of her room. She doesn't speak much or really ever sees anyone, she tries to avoid everyone at all costs but sometimes she's defeated when it comes to Draco, he knows all her hiding spots all her escape routes so if he doesn't find her in one place he'll jump around to the others to find her.

Today she got up early, she wanted to beat the sun before it rolls up above the horizon. She threw on her sweats and a hoodie the one he gave her and she walked out of her room and down the steps of the manor. She went out the back door she walked past the gardens and down the little brick path till she got to the other side where there's a clear little valley below she sat there in the grass her knees tucked under her chin and her arms wrapped around her legs.

She sat and waited several minutes before she saw the tip of the sun beginning to break the surface of the horizon so the colors of the sky going from a dark blue to light blue to a yellow into an orange and changing more and more as the sun rose. During these times in these moments when she's alone she gets to experience things that used to bring so much joy to her life she feels a little bit better and every time she gets a little bit better.

She continues to watch the sunrise and hear the birds chirping and seeing them fly off their nests to go on whatever daily adventures they go on. She watches it says reflects off the wet Dewey grass and feels the sun radiating once onto her skin she closes her eyes and sees the light shining through her lips she waits she listens and a shadow forms in front of her and when she opens her eyes and she looks up it's Draco standing there with a mug of coffee.

She takes the mug of warm liquid into her hands and she takes in a deep breath letting the warm vanilla scent fill her nose. The little things. She looks over to Draco who sits down beside her.

"I thought you'd be out here and I wanted to bring you something to keep you warm," Draco spoke softly and quietly so quiet it was almost a whisper.

Devon didn't say anything she only looked at him for a split second so he know's shes not ignoring him.

She took another sip of the warm liquid letting it warm up her insides, it brought a small shiver down her spine with warmth from the liquid on the inside but the crisp air on her skin.

"Dev, I know you're sad. I know I don't know how sad you are or whatever but I know it's definitely not easy. I miss Ro every day I can't even write to her let alone see her, it's killing me I don't know how she is I don't know where she is I don't know if she's safe or in trouble, I don't know anything. The only thing I know is I can relate to you on the fact that I don't know anything about how the love of my life is doing just like you." Draco's voice is hoarse like he's been crying.

She bit her lip to stop it from quivering, tears started to form. She didn't know exactly why she was crying but she knew a part of it was the fact that she's been so worried about a Mattheo she didn't even stop to realize she hasn't been worried about her best friends. She let the tears fall she hasn't been able to conjure enough water to let any tears form but now they're there in her eyes waiting for the dam to break.

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