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It's a week since winter break.

Devon's been distracted lately. With becoming a death eater her emotions are out of wack.

She doesn't care as much as she used to.

She hasn't spent much time with Aurora or Nora since before the break. She sees them during class sits with them at lunch and dinner and breakfast but that's the only time she's with them.

She's been going off alone to the astronomy tower trying to get time alone. She knows she can't go to the black lake like she used to because everyone would know exactly where she would be.

At the astronomy tower, no one would know she'd be there.

A couple of times she's gone up there she'd run into Mattheo. But he never stayed while she was up there.

Devon spends some time with Enzo but not as much as she used to.

They usually meet up after his tutoring with Selene and Blaise.

They spend some time talking and reading but a lot of the time it's just sex.

Lots and lots of sex.

She hardly ever stays after they'd talk a bit while they dressed and then after that he would only see her in the halls or if he sat near her in class.

The dark mark brings out a darker side of Devon and everyone else who has it.

Devon left her third-period class and headed toward the dungeons.

Devon's walking down the hall heading back to her house.

She sees Enzo who's leaning against the wall talking to Selene and Adrian Pucey.

They're laughing at something he said.

Enzo catches her eyes and tells Selene and Adrian something probably that he'd catch up with them later.

He smiles at Devon.

"Hey, beautiful."


They walked to the dungeons together they walked past two students making out in the hall.

The two students were Mattheo and Astoria.

"Please could you get any more slutty Astoria? Be somewhat decent and get a fuckin room. Mattheo I know you have no common decency but come on show this girl some respect or something." Devon snarled in disgust.

Mattheo broke away from Astoria and chuckled looking deep into Devon's eyes.

"Why Sykes are you jealous I'm making out with her and not you? Or is it that your boyfriend isn't making out with you in the halls?" He grinned.

"Keep dreaming slob." She rolled her eyes and kept walking.

Enzo followed behind her not saying a single word.

They walked into the common room where all their friends were sitting around the fire.

"Hey, I'm gonna go sit and hang out."

"I hope you know you can come and chat with us." He looked at her with curious eyes trying to figure out her emotions.

"I know but I don't feel like talking to anyone."

"I'll catch you later don't take too long I wanna have some shower sex. I have some homework to finish so you have some time to talk." She smiled gave him a kiss and a small smile.

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