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It's been a week since Enzo has seen Devon he's home now for the Christmas holiday spending it with his father Killian.

Even though Enzo wasn't very excited about the long holiday at home like many others usually are, he was nevertheless relieved to not be in school attending classes or doing any schoolwork. 

Killian of course didn't make this break any easier, instead of the cozy welcome and father and son bonding time Enzo was brutally asked many questions about whether he was prepared or ready for the initiation ritual this coming weekend.

"I can't have you completely fucking up your- well in reality our future! Son, I need you to give this your all if he asks you to do a task you do it and you get it done, do you hear me?" Killian commanded from the opposite end of the dining table.

"Yes father I understand what I need to do, I'm ready for this you raised me to prepare for this moment." Enzo looked up from his plate to meet his father's gaze.

"Good, I will not speak of this any longer, we will arrive at Riddle house Friday evening." Killian looked away settling his eyes back down onto the pages of The Daily Prophet.

"I will make sure to be packed before then and how long do you suppose we will be staying?" Enzo took a sip of his wine.

"We will be staying till that Sunday night, along with the Sykes. Speaking of which-." Killian began to speak, Enzo knew this question along with the many others.

Enzo knew his father would eventually have this specific question make its way to him.

"I heard from Lucius Malfoy before Azkaban that you're dating that Sykes girl, Devon is that correct?" He looked up from the paper in his hand.

"Yes father, that is correct. Devon and I have been dating for about four months now." Enzo shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Well, I highly encourage this relationship you two make a handsome match. So I can say that I will be kindly introduced to her this weekend? Correct?" Killian wiped his mouth as he chewed the roasted brisket that was made for dinner.

"Yes father you will be introduced to her this weekend before the ceremony. Excuse me I'm heading up to my room, I bid you goodnight." Enzo pushed away from the table standing up from his chair straightening his shirt turning on his heal and leaving the dinning room.

Enzo walked up the short flight of steps that leads up to the second floor where his room was located, the fifth door on the left.

Once he walked into his room he noticed it still looked the exact same as when he left it at the beginning of the school year.

He walked across his room to sit down at his desk near the fireplace. He picked up a piece of parchment and his quilt dipping the tip in ink.

He decided he wanted to write a letter out for Devon letting her know he arrived home safe and that he will be arriving the same day as she and leaving Riddle mansion the same day as well, he wanted to give her a heads up about his father wanting to meet her so she wasn't bombarded by him and his never ending questions.

He also wrote to her about possibly using the last week to spend time with him maybe going out to Greece for the rest of the break he can make a deposit to rent a AirBnB for the week so they could have a nice place to stay.

After he finished writing out two glorious pages of the many rambling topics he signed it off with "love Enzo." He gently folded the pages put them into the right sized envelope and sealed it with his family crest, a Dire Wolf. He sent off the letter with his family owl Tommen.

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