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Devon didn't notice she dozed off while she was writing and listening to the rain fall and patter against her windows. Her mother came into the room shaking her awake.

"Dev! Get the hell up you need to hurry up and get ready before we're late and we cannot be late." Amanda leaned over her shaking Devon's startled body.

"Ok, ok! I'm awake mother. Where's my dress so I can put it on after I do my makeup?" She turned to face her mother's worried face.

"It's on your desk chair, please hurry I don't want your father to be angry that we're running behind." Amanda stood up fixing the skirt of her dress to get any wrinkles out.

"Yes mum I understand if you leave I can get dressed and ready in a few minutes." Devon guided her mother out of her room and hurried to her bathroom.

She walked on the cold tile of the bathroom. She walked over to her vanity installed to the wall and took out several eyeshadow pallets and lipsticks along with plenty other must haves.

Devon decided to only use little splotches of concealer on her red patches of skin and under-eye areas to brighten them up. She used a brush to blend in the light splotches.

She reached back into her makeup bag to grab a eyeliner pen of her choice. She decided to do a light blue and brown to match with her blue dress her mother picked out for her.

She quickly reached for her hair oil to rub into her hair to get rid of the frizziness that formed in her hair form falling asleep. She didn't want to ruin her waves from the braids she had in the night before so she combed her hair out using her fingers.

After she got her hair and makeup taken care of she walked out of her bathroom and walked over to her dress on the other side of the room. She pulled the bag off her desk chair walked back over to her bed to lay it flat on the sheets.

Devon unzipped the dress cover eyes growing wide at the sight of the magnificent dress her mother picked out for her.

"Oh mother your taste is absolutely brilliant." She whispered to herself a big smile forming across her lips.

She slid the dress over her head. The elegant and soft gentle silk slid perfectly on over heels head. The color was magnificent. The body of the dress was gorgeous it was more of a snug fit hugging her waist and hips. A slit from her hip down the rest of her dress on one side showed off her beautifully freckled skin.

She smiled looking up at herself in the full length mirror near her closet in her room. She brushed her fingers through her scalp making sure to add volume to her hair. She pulled on gold strapped heels.

She walked over to her bed reaching out for her wand. She decided to put it into a thigh band on her unexposed leg. The strap held her wand close to her leg hidden from anyone else. Many things could happen tonight and she had to keep herself safe and protected.

She walked out of her bedroom and walked back down the stairs to meet her parents in the foyer. She grabbed a black leather coat her mother held out for her to take.

"Let's go." Tyrion's voice echoed.

Devon and her mother followed behind him. They walked down the steps of their home. The home Devon grew up in the home she knew for so long and made plenty memories in. These steps she's walking down are the same steps her and Draco shared their first kiss.

She laughed to herself remembering the shocked expression they both had on their faces when they both made the move on one another. These steps are the same steps where they would sit and look out at the stars and wait to see a shooting star to make a wish they hoped one day would come true.

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