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It's been a month since Draco asked out Aurora. He hasn't been this happy in a long time. The only people who kept his head above water was Devon, Enzo and his mother.

Aurora's birthday is coming up in a week Draco wants to make sure he gets her the right present. He also is planning a big dinner with their friends and his mother.

Narcissa Malfoy was the strongest person Draco has ever known and he is so grateful for his mother so when she asked if he was seeing anyone he was quick to tell her all about Aurora. Of course his mother asked to meet the girl that's been keeping the smile on her beloved sons face. Draco told her about her birthday dinner inviting her to go.

Draco is planning on holding the dinner at Malfoy Manor since his father is away along with Devon's in Ireland now. Draco doesn't have to worry about his father disturbing the dinner most likely ruining it.

Draco's on his way to Devon and Aurora's room knowing Aurora is out with Nora. He tried yesterday to go by their room to talk to her but when he went to open the door he walked in on her getting up from the bed naked and a naked Enzo in her bed frozen in shock. Draco cursed himself at the fact that he didn't knock first now scarred forever.

He knocked this time not wanting anything else to happen.

"Dev are you in there? May I come in or are you bumping bums with Enzo?" He said with a chuckle.

"No you can come in Draco." He heard her call from the other side.

Draco opened the door poking in his head first to make sure no one else was around.

"I'm alone Draco you can come in." Devon sighed out.

"I was just double checking Sykes jeez you'd thinking with you bumping bums with my cousin almost every night  would keep you from having such an attitude, like you have something up your arse." Draco snarled.

"I'm sorry Draco I'm just a bit stressed, we have a quiz Friday and I need to be top class I need to beat Granger." She spoke with an annoyed tone.

"It's all right I understand Dev and you will smash Granger in the ground like the filthy Mudblood she is." He spoke back.

"Thanks Draco. So what was it you needed help with or whatever it is you wanted to speak privately about?" She turned facing him.

"I need you to distract Ro as best you can and make her think as best you can that I forgot her birthday I'm planning a dinner and the Manor on Saturday since it's her birthday and on top of that Mum wants to meet her." He breathed out.

"Aww you sweet boy! Yes of course Draco I'd love to help you with that! Aww she's going to be so surprised and excited!" Devon smiled in excitement.

"Oh Salazar thank you Dev you're a life saver. What do you think we should serve at the dinner I want to have nothing but her favorite things." He smiled at his best friend.

"She loves sushi and veggies maybe make some egg rolls and some spring rolls and make some lobster ones for anyone who doesn't want just veggie ones." She smiled. 

"Oh right I forgot the only meat she likes to eat is mine." He chuckled.

"Oh Godric Draco please don't ever say that again that's disturbing." She said with a grimace.

"What I'm only speaking the truth." He smiled again.

"Eww ok whatever, so I'll make sure to get her there at the Manor and I'll make sure she will not suspect a thing!" She smiled back.

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