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It's Thursday morning, Devon fell asleep almost instantly when they got into their hotel room Mattheo booked for them. It's a big room and it has two full-sized beds Devon took the one by the glass door that leads to the patio, Mattheo got a room right in front of the pool. They arrived at about three in the morning and lucky for them there were no bookings for that time of day and there was an empty room.

Devon sat up not believing they were actually there in America, let alone she's here with Mattheo. She stretched out her arms and let her feet dangle off the floor and took in the warm sunlight coming in through the linen curtains. Devon could hear the bustling sounds and honking of horns, it's New York of course it's one of the busiest cities in the US and one of the busiest states too. The hotel room is on the first floor where the pool is and near the office so Devon could go to the early breakfast that's free with the room.

She stood up and turned around to walk towards the bathroom she noticed the bed next to hers was empty, she made her way towards the bathroom, and right as she was going to knock on the door Mattheo opened it. A loud of steam came out of the bathroom behind him and he looked up at her with a smile.

"Good morning sweetheart, did you sleep well?" He was in one of the robes the hotel provided and it was partly opened exposing his muscly chest, water dripping down it, devon all of a sudden felt very parched.

"I slept fine, how was your shower?" She looked back up meeting his gaze he knows she was looking at him.

"It was nice they have better water systems here than back home." He chuckled reaching for the small towel on the bathroom counter and began to dry his hair with it.

Devon smiled and slid past him into the steamy bathroom. She washed her face and pulled up her hair she took a shower only an hour before they left so her hair was wavy and frizzy, she took her wand out of her pocket and waved it around her head to straighten out her hair.

Devon walked out o the bathroom and back into the room where she saw a shirtless Mattheo looking outside through the glass door. She looked closer and could see scars running up and down his back and on his shoulders, he heard her footsteps and turned before she could look any closer.

"You ready to go?" He looked at her pulling on his white button-up.

"Where are we going? and I'm in the same clothes I've been in since last night." She looked down at her sweats and hoodie.

"It's ok we're gonna take care of that, we're going out today to do some shopping and maybe go sightseeing for a while, we can do whatever you want." He smiled at her and grabbed his suit coat off the chair she grabbed her purse and followed him out the door.

They walked down the hall and passed other rooms, Devon could hear other couples and families laughing and having a great time with one another, and devon couldn't help but feel a tug at her heart. She realized she needed to write a quick letter to her parents and get it sent to them before they start to worry. Once they headed to the lobby devon grabbed the back of Mattheo's arm to pull him back.

"I need to write a letter to my parents so they know I'm ok." She let go of his arm and turned towards the front counter.

The hotel they're staying at is a five-star hotel rich people come to and devon could tell by all the women in fancy skirts and channel bags and perfect hair. Devon has money she has a lot of it but right now the way she's dressed she feels completely out of place and she can feel her cheeks begin to heat.

"Hello miss, how can I help you this morning?" The man behind the counter was dressed in a tux and had his hair slicked back his eyes were a beautiful green and he seemed maybe in his late twenties, he wasn't a bad sight to look at and had a nice smile.

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