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Devon is on her way back to Kings cross station. Her parents decide to make her breakfast before she left. They made her her favorite things. The breakfast was amazing of course but the conversation and atmosphere was weird. She knew they were begging to know what happened between her and Mattheo but she wasn't going to share that with them.

Of all people she would not share her private social or romantic life with her parents hell she hasn't even told her best friends yet. She grabbed her things from the trunk remembering to hand her father the envelope with the letter inside addressed to the Dark Lord.

"Please give this to him as soon as you can I never got to give him the date and I want to make sure he knows I know." She sighed giving her father and mother a kiss and hug goodbye.

"I will, be safe and finish this task Devon no bullshit." Tyrion stood tall looking down at her with a serious face.

She only nodded her head and turned on her heel grabbing her bag she filled up with new clothes for school. She walked up the steps to head into the train station. She got to platform 9 3/4 portal and walked through it.

When she did she saw Draco and Aurora standing by a bench with their things leaning against it. She walked over to them and smiled.

"Good morning lovers." She sighed stretching her arms over her head.

"Good morning to you too miss I like bad boys." Aurora gasped slapping her arm.

"Ouch why did you hit me? And what the hell are you blabbing about?" Devon sighed rubbing her arm.

"I'm talking about you and Mattheo dancing together last night and sitting with one another and laughing and giggling then mysteriously disappearing!" Aurora got louder and Devon looked around and she noticed everyone else coming in through the portal.

"I was not giggling and I had to dance with him you know who was staring me down and practically forcing me to! What the hell was I supposed to do!" Devon completely ignored the other things she did not want to give in or tell anyone especially Draco and Aurora about the kiss between her and Mattheo she hasn't even fully processed it herself.

The train pulled into the station everyone stepped forward getting ready to board. Once the train came to a full stop Draco Aurora and Devon all got up to the doors waiting for them to be opened. They stepped into the train the warm air inside warming Devon's body. She looked out the window to see if she can see Mattheo or not.

She waited there for a moment waiting  to see him board the train but she didn't. She went and sat with Draco and Aurora. Draco threw all their bags onto the top shelf above their heads. Devon turned on her Walkman and put her earbuds into her ears clicking play on her music. She closed her eyes trying to remember the magical night before.

Sure it wasn't the most ideal place to be romanticizing about but it was a gorgeous evening even if it was raining. Devon loved dancing in the rain. She thought about the way he twirled her around on the balcony and pulled them both from under the covering and into the rain. She felt her hair begin to stick to her face and her dress cling to her body.

She smiled to herself remembering the way she laughed and even hearing his small chuckles escape form his mouth. The same mouth the met hers in the hall before her father called her down.

What was that exactly? What is she supposed to make of it all? There was no way she was falling for him not at all she doesn't want to and she isn't. She couldn't see herself with him in a million years. It wasn't anything it was her being completely drunk and goofing around with a boy she desperately dislikes.

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