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Today is the day the day Mattheo has been preparing for. For the past eight months, his father has been training him and pushing him to his limit every day testing him to strengthen his powers and his magic.

He got out of bed and stretched his muscles sore and tired, he walked over to his bathroom and splashed cold water on his face to wake up more. He walked back to the room and grabbed the button-down and black slacks he had read for when he woke up. He put on his Slytherin tie the only school thing he wears only when it was winter time did he use his robe, but now with summer coming along he only wears the tie.

He had a dull ache in his head from the night before, he got back from his disaster of a dinner with Devon and decided to get drunk to "let loose" before today, and was now regretting it. Not only did he get drunk but he also got his dick sucked by Milicent and had sex with Astoria all in the span of two hours. All of this after his dinner with Devon.

He made a mistake he shouldn't have let her get that mad he should've just talked to her, but why was she so angry about him sleeping with Astoria if she only wanted to be his friend? Well, the obvious reason might be is because she thought the diner meant something it wasn't.

The thing is why does he care so much that he upset her? He usually doesn't give a rat's ass about hurting a girl's feelings but for some reason, he's pained to see her upset over something he caused. He doesn't want to care, but the more he tries to forget about the hurt on Devon's face he makes stupid mistakes to take his mind away from her.

She doesn't even unlike him not in that way, she was more upset that she's not the only girl on his radar that's what it is the lust for being the only one everyone wants and drools for. Mattheo didn't want her thinking that because she wasn't the only one not for Mattheo, there will never be just one.

He walked out of his dor setting the charm that will paralyze any intruders wh deiced to come into his room while he's away. Mattheo threw on his rings on his way down the hall. He walked past first years who cowered against the wall as he passed all-knowing who he was and who his father is.

He walked down the staircase passing in from of him was Devon she ignored his presence and pushed forward making her way to the great hall. Mattheo decided he'd apologize later but right now he wanted to focus on relaxing his mind and not overworking it too much and his magic staying composed and in check. He walked over to the coffee maker in the common room and grabbed a to-go cup to hold his coffee, he took the strongest blend.

After his coffee was done brewing he poped on a lid and headed out the door, he made a short journey to the side of the castle no teacher or student travels to overlooking the hills and treetops in the distance from here you can see a part of the black lake that isn't used for academics like the rest of it is.

Mattheo reached into his front pocket pulling out a blunt and reached for his other pocket grabbing his lighter and lighting the blunt and taking a big puff letting it ignite and the herb takes its toll on him. When he took his first inhale he could feel how automatic his bones and muscles relaxed to the fumes of the weed. He took a big sip of his coffee, black coffee, and a blunt in the morning breakfast for kings that's what it was.

After he took a few more sips of his coffee he made his way around the castle and walked toward the greenhouse to attend his first-class Herbology with Professor Sprout. He walked down the hills watching the other students make their way to the greenhouse. He spotted ahead of fiery hair making her way to the greenhouse, she stopped in her tracks almost in instinct and turned around looking at Mattheo who took a long drag from his blunt, he stopped in his tracks exhaling the smoke and taking another sip of coffee.

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