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If you swipe the picture there's a song that I think personally fits with this chapter! Wait till the near end!


Draco arrived in the late afternoon Narcissa wasn't there to pick him up from Kings Cross station so he decided to go to a local restaurant down the street.

He walked into the shop bought a coffee and a ham and cheese sandwich.

He sat there watching the storm clouds gather up the water in the building and building waiting to be released.

After he ate he apparated home.

It was already the late afternoon when he finally walked up to the front door of the big dark manor.

He knocked on the hardwood waiting for the door to be opened for him.

After a few dreadfully long minutes Remy the house elf opened the door for him.

"Ahh master Draco so nice to see you made it home." She grabbed his bags from his hand as she spoke in a low raspy voice.

"Please take my things to my room, and where is my mother?" He spoke to her but not making eye contact with her.

"Lady Malfoy is in the garden room painting." She replied to him gently.

He never said a word no thank you, no nothing. He would rather be dead than be caught being nice to a house elf. His father would disapprove of those actions if he were to ever catch him doing it.

He takes long strides to the back hall, he walks for a few more paces till he comes to the garden room where his mother often goes to let loose and do the things that bring joy to her.

When he walks into the room full of big green plants and small flowers in different places, he takes in a deep breath the cool air that flows within that room carrying the tropical scents of the flowers that grow within the room fills his nostrils.

There is a small section of the room that's cleared and open with a tall desk and chair where his mother often sits to write. Next to the desk is an easel and canvas along with a rack that's filled with different shades and colors of paint.

Draco slows his steps not wanting to take his mother's attention away from her painting.

"My son you're home, how was your trip here? I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up from the station everything that's going on I just couldn't handle all the staring." She finished the last stroke of green she added to the big picture.

"My ride was fine, no need to worry. But mother I ask you, why the hell did I need to hear from another student the news about father? Why didn't you send a letter or anything?" He tried to hold himself together it wasn't her fault and he knew it but he needed to know why.

"I wanted to my son I did, but after they arrested your father the ministry decided to start surveilling all the letters that go from Hogwarts to parents making sure no followers of the Dark lord speak to their children." She turned to look at him, the expression on her face showed how much all of this pained her to say.

Draco knew he couldn't stay mad at his mother. He knew he needed to just let it go and just be there to comfort her, cause he knows this is the hardest time for her and his family.

"It's ok mum I forgive you I know it's not your fault." He sighed walking over to her.

He placed a big hand on her shoulder looking over to see what it was she painted.

"This Draco is a dream, I hope that one day when all of this is over, no matter what side wins I pray you live and I can only hope I can be there to see you grow old. I want to live here a little cottage in the forest away from people away from all other life just to live here with you."

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