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Devon felt the sun peeping through the curtains, she stretched out her sleepy limbs and felt the warmth of another body next to hers. She turned to her other side and smiled. She lifted up her free hand and reached out for his curls, even with a long night's rest his curls are still perfectly placed on his head none of them flat or frizzy. She twirled her fingers in his curls and wiped them away from his forehead from there she traced her fingertip lightly down to his nose where he has a scar across the bridge of it. Then she went across from it to his left side where he had a scar from his ear to above his eyebrow putting a small slit in his eyebrow. She took him in the beautiful dark-haired boy.

She felt her stomach flutter seeing his facial muscles begin to move and hear him grumbling under his breath. She pulled her hand away from his face and tucked her arms over one another. He brought a hand up to his face and rubbed his eye while he yawned. They've been in New York for almost a month now, just three days from it being a full month.

During this time away from all the fight between good and evil and all the pressure to be perfect young adults, killers even. It's been great, she and Mattheo have spent every day exploring more and more of New York and all its cities and eve ongoing to the countryside of new york finding their favorite places to get coffee their favorite places to get food and desert. It's amazing and every night they come back to the room together hand in hand, undressing one another kissing every inch of each other's skin. Their lips danced while their souls intertwined and became one. Every night they spent together in bed holding on tight hoping it would never end.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." she smiled and kissed his nose.

"Good morning creeper." He smiled pulling at her waist.

"Creeper? How?" She laughed pulling away from him.

"You're watching me sleep that's fuckin weird." He pulled her back to him.

"Oh, and you don't watch me sleep?" She looked at him in the eyes, staring into his dark mysterious brown eyes.

He couldn't keep her gaze any longer he felt her stare into his soul in a way that he couldn't handle. He looked away blinking and she giggled.

"Yes, I do watch you sleep for a bit before I fall asleep." He smiles kissing the top of her head.

She could feel his hard warm muscles against her bare skin. He was shirtless but had his boxers on and she loved the way he slept next to her almost makes but not quite wanting all the skin contact they can without getting out of hand. That's what she loves about Mattheo he can get messy and sloppy with her when their bodies crave for the others but he also likes to get close and intimate in the most caring way.

"So what are we doing today?" She put her face in the crook of his neck taking in the smell of him.

"I was thinking we can take a break from the adventures and stay in bed all day watch movies on the telly and order all the food we want and maybe get someone who works here to go get us some coffee from our place?" He pulled away to look at her again, her heart skipped a beat.

"That sounds incredible. And we can just order coffee from here Honey we don't need to get it from our place." she smiled bringing their lips together not being able to keep them apart for another second.

"Ok Sweetheart whatever you want, and did you call me Honey?" He furrowed his brows playfully.

"Maybe I did." she smiled back

"Say it again." He whispered darkly.

"Never!" she shouted and he pulled her back in grabbing her sides making her laugh and scream.

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