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Professor Trelawny's class was going by horrifically slow. It was the last class of the day and everyone was so tired and out of it not really wanting to be there anymore to hear the nonsense the professor goes on and on about.

Devon was seated with Draco and Enzo at the small table in the far back corner. None of them paying any attention to the professor and whatever nonsense she's blabbing on about.

"Godric please someone get me out of this class." Devon whisper shouted

"This is ridiculous." Draco replied

"I don't actually get the damn point to this class." Enzo whispered back

"Thank Merlin it's an easy class to pass she doesn't really make us to do much." Theo turned around from the table in front of them

"Are you boys busy after dinner?" Arabella said to the boys as she sat between Theo and Blaise around the table in front of Devon and the boys

"Not that I know of Bella why?" Enzo asked

"Well we have to discuss an upcoming event and we need help with getting the right supplies." She whispered back with a sly smile

"Oh I see, well I don't know who has any right now but I can ask my supplier or Malfoy could." Enzo looked over to Draco

"I suppose I could check it out and ask around." He said nonchalantly

"Brilliant thank you, boys and Bella  turn around now before we get hexed." Devon interrupted

"Yes mum!" Said Theo with a smile and turned back around

After class Devon headed back to her dorm. When she got in she went to change since she wanted to go read and maybe write by the black lake before it got too dark. She threw on her black Slytherin quidditch hoodie and the black sweats that match and some sneakers. She grabbed a small bag and threw in her little writing book her favorite quill and a one of her favorite books.

As Devon was leaving the Slytherin common room she waved hello to Blaise and Theo on the couch seeming to Devon that they were quizzing one another.

"Hey Sykes where you headed, and can we join?" Blaise called to her

"Bite me Zabini." Devon replied with a smirk

"With pleasure darling." Theo called back to her

Devon walked out with her middle finger up in the air as she left causing the boys to whistle at her while she walked out.

Devon finally got down to the lake in a little secluded area. There was one tree on top of a little hill. On the side of the hill the big heavy roots stood out making a perfect sitting spot above the water. Devon sat down and wrapped a small blanket around her shoulders.

Devon picked up writing poems around third year when she was forced to do a poem for McGonagall.

She started writing now getting focused on her feelings the places around her the sounds the emotions of people she knows thinking about life and her family trying to channel all this into words fueling her imagination and words.

"I breathed in
The night and felt
The stars
Fill up my soul."

Devon took a deep breath looking down at the page rereading what she put down. Caressing the necklace she bought the day before school started she hasn't taken it off since. Whenever she writes she feels her hands and soul take over her consciousness letting her feel everything and writing it all out onto a page without a single falter or stutter of words they just flow from the ink on the tip of her quill to the page in her notebook.

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