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It's been a week since the party and the first quidditch game of course Gryffindor beat Ravenclaw, leaving Nora at a loss on the bet she made with Fred no one daring to ask what the winner received.

It's Thursday night Enzo and Devon are in her room. He's laying down on her bed while she walks in and out of her bathroom grabbing things for their trip this weekend.

"All I'm saying is it might be rainy so make sure to bring a coat I'm not calling you a baby." Devon said rolling her eyes at her lover.

"Ok ok I will bring a coat, I don't know how I let you tell me what to do." He sighed

"You like it when I tell you what to do that's why." She smiled

"If I recall from the time after practice I think you like it when I tell you what to do." He smirked at her.

Devon and Enzo haven't done anything in that certain area of their relationship. They just want to take it slower for now but doesn't mean it doesn't drive the other completely mad.

"Yea right Berkshire, in your dreams!" She smiled at him.

"Oh yes definitely in my dreams." He winked at her.

"So you're all packed and ready?" She asked him

"Yea I am and I wouldn't pack a lot of stuff." He looked at her.

"Why not?" She questioned

"Well it's a surprise I can't spoil a surprise now can I darling? Now stop your packing and come lay down with me." He reached out his arms waiting for her body to meet his.

She smiled at this took some clothing out and zipped up her bag. She walked over to where he was laying on her bed. She walked between his dangling legs and he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her into him.

She got onto the bed straddling his waist now. There wasn't anything sexual about this. Yes they wanted each other more and more but they cared more about the emotional aspect of their relationship. Making sure they have a real connection instead of it turning to a friends with benefits type of thing.

She laid on top of him her head resting on his chest while he played with her long red hair. Admiring the lighter highlights in her hair and the freckles on her cheeks that he so desperately loves.

She reached up her hand looking for his. Her hand found his. Her smaller one slipping into his bigger one, the skin to skin contact ignited a feeling so deep she was sure she was bewitched. The passion she has for this beautiful smart caring boy is so deep and relentless she needed more, she craved more her body was fitting nicely next to his.

"You make me happy Sykes." Enzo spoke ever so gently into her hair.

"You bring out the happiness I thought I'd never find again." She lifted her head to look at his face.

She lifted her other hand reaching to meet his beautiful face tracing his jaw with her finger tips. Going across every sharp and soft edge of this beautiful boys face. Taking in all that he is falling for all that he is. Everything that makes Lorenzo Berkshire was beautiful and graceful in every way Devon couldn't find the right words to even begin to describe it.

"Tell me where you've been darling." It was more a statement then a question. His face relaxed when he spoke.

She thought of all the lost roads,
And dark corners,
And heavy work, and heartbreak,
And of all the healing.

And all she said was...

"On my way here to you love..." she said into his chest bringing his hand to her face bringing his finger tips to her lips kissing them gently.

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