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It's been almost two months since Mattheo has left Devon. His heart aches the more time passes and he doesn't see her. He wants to be able to go back and run to her to catch her in his arms and wrap her up in his love and his protection. He hopes with all his sad cold heart that she will forgive him that she understood what he had to do and that she's there, at Castle Dawn safe from his father safe from harm.

He doesn't know Draco all that well but he knows he will protect her when he is away, knows she's safe in his care. He silently begs she won't do anything foolish or put herself at risk that's the whole reason why he left her behind and didn't take her with him. Mattheo knew if he told her his plan told her what he wanted to do if he took the time to tell her he wanted to defeat his father he knows she wouldn't have hesitated even a second to go with him to help on his journey.

But he couldn't, there was far too much danger in this journey far too much at risk if he got caught with her if she got caught with him. His father will punish him but would most likely end her life in the blink of an eye. He couldn't risk it not her, he's only known her for a handful of months, and has only been in love with her the second he laid eyes on her but they have only been in love together for a short month even though he feels like he's been in love with her for an eternity. His soul is hers, and her soul is his.

Only this is just a statement it's not final nor is it physical, maybe when he sees her again before the war they could make this statement a reality.

When he sees her. god, he can only imagine her face the way it lights up when she's happy or excited, the way it looks like the sun is dripping through the pores of her skin. He can only imagine now, but soon she will be by his side again and then he will promise her a life together for as long as they live.

He's peaking his head around the corner of a building there were death eaters a block away from him he could feel their presence, he made his way around them and headed to a phone booth, where he apparated to the outskirts of a small English town. He's slowly making his way to Godrics Hollow where Harry's parents lived when he was a child.

Mattheo has to make sure he knows what he's doing because if he doesn't stay cautious he might run into some trouble. He looks at the time on his little pocket watch, on the opposite side of the clock face he has a small picture of Devon. He smiles down at it and shuts the pocket watch sliding it back into his coat.

He walks into a small cafe its also an inn and he could rent a room for the night if he wanted but he can't he doesn't have enough time. He made his way in it was slightly full there were groups of muggles who seemed to be enjoying a late-night coffee and slice of pie.

He ordered a black coffee and he sat in a dark corner and brought his coat up to his chin. Once his order came to the table he began to make a plan in his head, what's his next move? How long will it take to get to Godric's Hollow from here?

He shut his eyes for what felt like twenty minutes but when the barista tapped on his shoulder letting him know they were closing he sat up straighter and realized he slept for two hours it's now one-thirty in the morning.

He walked out into the brisk early morning air, he made his way back towards the edge of town out of sight from muggles so he is able to apparate away. He closes his eyes and pictures the same town of Godrics hollow which he came to find out is only two towns over. He felt his feet lift from the ground and could feel his body gravitate. when he felt his feet meet the solid ground once again he opened his eyes and saw the little town in front of him.

He made his way past a few shops ones closed with their window lights on showing what they had on display, he kept walking until he felt himself step on something when he lifted his foot from the floor to check what it was an alarm started to go off he realized there were snatchers here, most likely looking out for him. How did they know he'd be here?

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