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It was Thursday afternoon all the students are headed to lunch. Devon told the group to meet her at the black lake so they could talk more about the party.

Nora had to come up with some excuse as to why she needed to leave Fred since they were all trying to keep the party plans secret, especially from the twins since they're the biggest pranksters in the school who knows what they'd do.

The group arrived at the lake Devon was sitting next to Enzo on a picnic blanket Aurora brought. Her legs were draped over his long ones, he kept one of his big hands on her shin. Draco and Aurora were on the other side Draco leaning against Aurora with a small smile on his lips only Devon could notice.

She's definitely gonna talk to both of them later separately of course.

"So let's being this meeting." Blaise chuckled

"Right let's start." Devon sighs

"Ok so we have the weed the alcohol the playlist and the decorations." Devon read off her list

"So we checked off everything off the list but the guests." Bella said from the other picnic blanket where she sat next to Pansy.

"Actually I got that taken care of today I sent out these really cute invites only to certain people and I told them no plus ones." Pansy spoke out to the group.

"Ok great so now we have everything taken care of." Theo said

"Yeah we do but now we just need to figure out a time to start decorating, the party is at Eleven since lights out is at ten." Aurora said when she pulled her eyes back to the group.

"Yeah Ro's right, so let's start the decorating and stuff at ten thirty." Devon said

"Me, Theo and Draco will go pick up the weed and bongs either tonight after lights out or tomorrow after class." Blaise said to the group

Theo and Draco nodding in agreement.

"Ok then we got everything done and ready we just need to make sure you boys don't get drunk before the party even starts." Nora laughed out

Everyone burst into laughter.

"I have no clue what you're going on about." Blaise said with a straight face.

They all laughed again.

They all headed back to the castle heading to their next classes.

"Hey Ro are you and Draco dating?" Devon whispers to her best friend

"What? No we aren't, I do like him though quite a bit." Aurora smiles back

"Oh right I forgot you used to have a thing for him in third year and some of fourth."

"Yea I did then I had gotten into a relationship with with Cedric Diggory for a while during fourth year so I was kinda over Draco." Aurora whispers

"Yeah I remember you and Diggory being together, so now you like Draco again wow my two besties that's cute." Devon smiles

"Thank you! I don't know if he feels the same for me I know there's something but I don't know if its as deep as my feelings." Aurora frowned a bit

"Well I could talk to him if you want?" Devon shrugged

"Would you please!" Aurora pleaded

"Yea of course later I will." Devon smiled

Aurora looked over at Draco working from across the room on the potion Slughorn wanted them to create. It's like he felt her eyes and the connection pulling him to her. He looked up meeting her eyes. A faint smirk on his lips only for Aurora to see the smallest thing made for her, her heart skipped a beat.

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