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It's early Wednesday morning Draco headed out of the dorms and the Slytherin house to go out for a walk and find Devon.

It's been a week since Draco has last seen Devon.

She was outside of the castle sitting and reading alone.

She talked to him and he talked to her she explains how she was feeling and he let her know he was there for her.

She told him how she got the mending spell for the cabinet so today they will meet up and go into the come and go room and mend it together.

Today is the day.

Draco's walking to his last period he's holding tight to Aurora.

He looks down at her as they walk through the halls to Snape's class.

He spots a head of red fiery hair. Devon.

She stops and turns almost out of instinct like she knew they were there.

She smiled looking at Draco and Aurora.

Draco doesn't understand how she's keeping that smile on her face.

He knows how much Enzo loves her or loved her, he still doesn't really know where his cousin stands now.

He also knows how much Devon loved him too. Now he does know where she stands with him.

"Good afternoon Dev." Draco smiles down at her.

"Good afternoon Draco." She sighed turning on her heel.

"I despise this class I don't understand why I still need to be here. McGonagall excuses me from her class since I'm first in class. I'm second here thanks to a certain blonde." Devon groans.

"Hey don't be mad at me Sykes pick up your game a bit and maybe you'll catch up." Draco grinned.

"Oh quiet you two! It's annoying how you both complain about coming to this class and complain about who's second and first in the class when the rest of us are drowning in our work!" Aurora huffed.

"Sorry, Ro." Devon sighed, she looked up at Draco with a small smirk.

He held back his laughter but he smiled back.

They walked into their last period together sighing once they heard the familiar voice of their beloved professor.

After class Draco and Aurora headed to the common room.

They walked past the other students Draco giving rude faces and smug remarks as they passed by.

"There is no reason to be rude." Aurora sighed.

"No reason at all besides the fact I find it amusing." He chuckled.

They walked down the last steps to the dungeons.

Draco spoke the password to the door leading to the common room.

There Blaise and Theo already sat with Pansy and Bella on their laps.

"Hello, Malfoy. Aurora." Blaise smiled.

"You wanna smoke?" Bella held out a joint for Aurora to take.

"Yes please, I've been dying all day for a smoke." She sighed.

Draco watched as Aurora reached in her bag to grab a lighter.

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