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A week has gone by. Devon and Draco meet up every night to mend the cabinet now they're closer than ever.

The objects quit melting or exploding and even stopped catching fire. Now it's actually working the objects would disappear when they used the spell but it would've returned.

Tonight is the night they will bring back the apple Draco took from the great hall. They headed up the moving stairs to the third floor.

Devon kept her eyes and ears alert to make sure no one was watching them or following them. After that night Potter almost caught them they made sure to go right after dinner while tons of kids were out and about so it didn't seem suspicious.

They walked down the hall and stopped in front of where the entrance would be.

Draco closed his eyes for a few seconds till the entrance came into full view. He let Devon in first she walked over to the cabinet almost immediately. They needed this done by tonight.

Earlier this morning Devon, Draco, Enzo, and Theo all received a letter calling them home Saturday morning to attend a dinner.

Later on they discovered Bella along with Pansy are also getting sent home.

There was no further detail. Most likely because it was something to do with the dark lord. Devon hadn't spoken to Mattheo since she asked for his advice and help on the mending spell.

They began their process of mending the cabinet it was lit. Repetitive work and Devon was already getting sick and tired of doing the same shit over and over. But it had to be done or their lives would be over. Quite literally, the dark lord would be furious they didn't accomplish their task. He'd kill their friends and family torture them until they begged for him to grant them death.

They continued to work for another hour. Repeating the spell over and over. With the two of them this should be done a lot sooner compared to it being just Draco.

"Alright Dev I know you're tired so am I and I feel like we're not getting anywhere. One more time and then we can head back?" She looked over at and him nodding her head. She could feel her body and mind ache.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus." They spoke in unison pointing their wands towards the cabinet once again and this time they checked the cabinet and once again the Apple was gone.

Devon closed the cabinet door again stepping back towards Draco. She turned and faced the cabinet for another time.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus." They repeated again. Draco went up to the cabinet this time. He unlatched the lock once again pulling the cabinet door open.

He was quiet he didn't say anything just looked in Devon stepped closer curious about what he is looking at. She tried to peer over his shoulder but their height difference made it hard for her to see.

Draco finally stepped out of the way and when he did he revealed what was inside. The Apple appeared where they laid it only moments before. Devon let out a small gasp and a small chuckle.

"We did it." She finally decided to speak putting a hand on Draco's shoulder.

"Yeah." He smiled in disbelief. He reached into the cabinet pulling out the Apple but when he turned it around in his hands that's when he saw the chunk gone from the Apple missing. Not like if someone bit it but like if it was severed off.

"Well, what does this mean exactly I mean, it went from here to Borgen and Burke's right? So what's wrong with just a chunk gone?" Devon sighed.

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