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It's been two days since Enzo broke up with Devon.

After he left she began to sob. She crumbled to the floor crying and screaming.

She cried on the floor for half an hour before she heard footsteps running down the hall and in came Aurora and Nora.

They burst through the door and ran over to Devon Nora pulled her into her chest pulling her body close to hers.

"Hey, Dev it's us what happened my love?" Nora asked her as she rocked them.

"Dev what happened? We came in from dinner and the boys said Enzo came storming down the stairs and left in a hurry." Aurora rubbed Devon's back from where she sat close behind her next to Nora.

"Then we were coming up the stairs and could hear you crying from seven rooms away and we came running over." Nora finished

"He- he broke up with me." Devon began to hiccup.

"You're kidding I'm gonna kill him!" Nora yelled.

"No no, it's my fault. I pushed him away! I wasn't feeling the same way he did anymore and I didn't even notice it until he came in today." Devon sighed calming her tears and slowing down her breathing.

She sat up from Nora's lap and wiped away her tears. She looked at her best friends taking in their worried expressions.

"I hurt but I know it had to happen he deserved more and I need to figure out what I want in life even if this stupid thing holds me back from a lot of things I still need to fight for myself." Devon pulled up her sleeve pointing at her dark mark.

"Well, we're here for you darling. We won't ever leave!" Nora hugged her.

"Yes, we love you and will help you in any way you need us to!" Aurora joined the hug.

"So does everyone know or just you two?" Devon asked pulling away from the two girls.

"Yeah, we're the only ones who know." Aurora sighed. Helping Devon and Nora up from the floor.

"Well I'm gonna go wash my face and then I'll break the news to the group after." She gave them a sad smile.

"Ok love we'll be in here waiting I was actually coming in here to copy down some notes I missed and a paper due tomorrow from Aurora so take your time!" Nora smiled.

"Ok." Devon turned and walked into her bathroom.


Two days ago was when Enzo took a small part of her heart with him and she stayed behind with a piece of his.

It's early Wednesday morning Devon decided to get an early start to the day and walked into her bathroom.

As soon as the door closed behind her it's like the world crashed down on her.

She felt dead like a zombie.

She dragged her feet over to the shower turning on the hot water.

After getting undressed the steam-filled up the big bathroom.

She opens the shower door walking into the steam and warmth of the water.

She stood right under the stream of hot water letting it burn her skin. She needed to feel something to make sure she was still conscious and not sleeping.

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