Not What You Think

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I wake up to my hands braced behind me in a cold metal chair.


I look around. 

A windowless room with one door. The walls appear to be brick and there's no way I can use force to escape this stupid chair. I even try wiggling my hands, even though I no there is no use to it.

"HEY!" I call out, surely there's a camera in here and people watching my every blink and breath. "I'm awake. It's time for the interrogation, isn't it?"

On cue, Hongjoong steps in.

He's still in the clothes I witnessed him in before.

White dress shirt rolled up to the elbows. Tight black leather pants and combat dark brown combat boots. Someone has some good fashion sense, apparently.

His hair is dyed white and slicked back. Multiple earrings hang from both ears.

He leans back against the bare wall, knowing well enough to keep his distance even though I'm strapped down.

"What do you want?" I ask impatiently. Ah, the classic interrogation question.

"I have a couple things I want to discuss with you," he replies, boredom seeping from his voice.

"Mk. Go ahead." I roll my eyes.

"I'm aware of the bounty on your head."

"Aren't we all."

After I'd left home, my parents put a $2 million bounty on me. Whoever brought me home alive got the prize money. And only alive, if I was dead then well... whoever brought me in would reach the same fate.

"Last night when I was is your home, quaint if I might add, you shot one of my best men. Not his best moment, I'll admit, but he is a loss."

"I was only protecting Number 1. You of anyone can understand that."

He nods once.

"Aren't you curious as to why I was in your home?"

"Well I figured you'd get to that eventually."

He rolls his eyes at my sarcasm. 

Good. He's becoming annoyed.

"I have a request." He says calmly.

"That's how it always starts." I sneer.

"Shut up for one goddamn moment."

"No can do."

He sighs and regains his composure. His arms begin to fidget, though.

"I want you to help me on a job I'm doing."

"You want my help when you're already the leader of the most prolific gang in Korea?" I look him up and down, looking appalled.

He sighs again.

"We need someone with your... area of expertise." His eyes dart around the room as he searches for the words.

"I'm flattered. What's in it for me?"

He takes a few steps closer to me.

"What do you want? I'm in the mood for negotiation."

"$1 million up front and another $2 million once the job is done. I want my own space to work and to sleep in while I'm here. I want my clothes and weapons from my apartment. I want to know what's happening at all time with anything in respect to this job."

Dirty Deeds || Kim Hongjoong x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now