The colour purple

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They just leave?

They were bickering like six year olds then all is better? People are so confusing.

Now I'm left here, completely bored, nothing to do.

So, I fix up the room that those men completely destroyed.

I stand up the chairs and wheel them to their spot around the table. They're all dusty from being stepped on and thrown around, so I dust them off as well. I find a cloth and wipe down the table so it shines once again.

"Stupid men," I mutter to myself, with my arms on my hips looking at the room. "Making me so bored I clean up after them."

"Even I'm stupid?" Hongjoong says, peeking around the corner of the room.

Pretending to think for a moment, I answer. "Yes. Even you."

He steps in with his arms crossed, looking good as ever- wait, what? "And I was going to treat you to  nice evening. I guess I'll go with someone else."

He turns to leave and starts walking out.

I chase him and pull him back into the room. "No no no. I won't allow you to take anyone else."

"Why is that?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Because I want you all to myself."

"Hmm, interesting."

He stops talking, turns his head to the side and looks over me. "Did you do something this morning? You smell kind of like dirt."

"Oh, yeah, just beat the shit out of some boys." I shrug.

"Of course. As you would. Did they hurt you?"

"No. And I made sure they won't hurt anyone else again." I smile, showing my teeth.

Taking a step closer to me, he moves my hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear. "You're too good for this world," he breathes, not looking into my eyes.

My face starts to turn red and I take his hands away from my face. "You're a strange being." I say blankly to him, not knowing what else to say.

He lets out a little laugh and lets go of my hands.

Walking back to the door, he says over his shoulder, "Be ready for our date at 6pm."

Wait, date?


15 minutes before I'm supposed to leave, and I'm sitting on my bed, kicking out my legs, worrying.

All I can think about is those dates I went on with Haneul. I know I shouldn't. I know that it was awhile ago everything happened with him. The way he used me just hit me so hard, that it's hard to move on from this brick wall blocking my way.

I went on fake dates when I was doing jobs, but I never felt anything for them so it never made much of a difference to me.

Is this how people usually feel and deal with emotion?

Standing, I take a look at myself in the mirror. Is this what I should wear?

I tug at the shorter skirt, trying to pull it down as far as it will go. The shirt I'm wearing, which has a high collar to hide the obvious. (*Choose whatever colours for the outfit*)

I brush the hair away from my face to inspect it in the mirror. Yep, still look like a boot.

"I think you look quite lovely," Hongjoong says from behind me.

I spin on my heel to face him.

His hair, which is now pink with rainbow strips (*The book cover*) is slicked back. His violet dress shirt is tucked into black leather pants. 

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