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My sweat and own blood mix with the blood of others on this knife I grip firmly in my hands. The halls I walk in are silent except for my thunderous steps that click against the tiled floor.

I twist and turn the best I can through memory, hoping I'll find the correct room.

With the hope that I have, voices become more apparent and clearer. Yelling and swearing helps me to find where I need to go. Who I need to save.

Two men... smaller than those who carried me around before are standing tall with their backs straight against the wall. One is twisting a golden ring around his finger and the other's feet are tapping in a solid rhythm on the floor. To top is all off... they're both so young. They can't be much older than me, if at all.

Fine... I won't kill you both. Just disable you for the time being. Nothing too serious, just some leg slicing.

I keep my steps silent and calm even though every fiber is pulling me towards the ground to just fall and lay there. The knife twirls with a new familiarity in my hand and my other hand instinctively reaches for the comfort of leather only to remember I've been stripped of my weapons. 

The man with the ring blinks a few times, looks my way, and opens his mouth to bellow out to the others.

I, on the other hand, put one finger to my mouth in an attempt to shush him while I slice both his legs.

The other man, fiddles around his belt loaded with artillery and fumbles as I knock him down.

"Stay down... stay quiet." I whisper out to them.

The door in front of me was ajar this whole time, but not enough to be able to see anything going on inside or out. And definitely too loud in there to hear what I was just doing.

With one more achingly dramatic kick, the thick door flies open and bangs on the wall behind it.

My father's eyes waste no time landing on me, and Hongjoong's broken ones find me just as quick.

"How...-" My father starts to speak, wondering how I got here.

No time to answer him. Through my peripheral vision, I launch the knife into my former big guard's chest. His body collapses into a heap on the floor that was already covered in blood.

"You little bitch..." my father seethes.

Hongjoong quickly hobbles over to my side. His hand clutches at a wound in his torso. I don't need to look that hard to know it's bad and to know that I'm going to make this man before me suffer.

The gaze in my eyes changes, and he must see that because his eyes dart around the room, looking for something, anything to possibly hurt me with.

He deems the metal chair suitable. Jesus, very possibly the worst thing here.

He raises it above his head in an effort to throw it into mine, but that leaves all those vital organs open for the attacking.

With the side of my hand, I chop his throat, so he staggers while the wind is knocked out of him. And to add to it, I kick him hard in the stomach. He tumbles back, lands on his ass and the chair flies out of his hands, screeching across the floor.

With his breath still gone, he tries to crawl back away from me, but his back hits the wall.

The elastic band that held my hair together gets yanked out, taking chunks of matted hair with it. But it's all I need. I wrap that bad boy around my father's wrists tightly enough that he can't break out of it.

His lips start to tremble along with the rest of him... he knows what's coming and it's not gonna be pretty.

A small lighter twists around my fingers. I open the top and flip back the switch. A little yellow and orange flame pops up, but that little bit is all I need. I smirk at my father and grab at his hands.

Dirty Deeds || Kim Hongjoong x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now