Lessons Learned

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I keep walking down the dark cobblestone alley until I find the warehouse I'm looking for.

I look and find the best way to climb up it while making as little noise as possible.

I tighten on my gloves and find a nice rain-catching pole, and decide to shimmy up that.

It's slick, but my gloves have rubber soles that allow me to grip easily to almost any surface. Almost. I found out the hard way one time that they do not in fact stick to everything.

I get about halfway up when I hear incoming voices from the alley.

I shimmy up a little bit more and then conceal myself in the darkness as best I can.

".. I don't have enough money for the bet." I hear the hoarse voice of a woman say into the echoing air.

"Then we fucking steal it if you lose. Which you won't." Another woman with a silky smooth voice says.

The minimum amount needed to bet for this event is $5,000. According to what I found, a group of seven run this with alternating guests coming each week. There are usually about 15 guests. Two per host. Each guest is to present their bet upon entrance. They're to be weapons-free. There's a metal detector at each entrance and exit.

I hear the two women approach the entrance and knock three times.

"What do you want?" The bouncer inside says huskily.

"10 pears." The woman with the smoother voice says.

I hear the clipping of the women's heels as they enter the building.

I climb up to the top of the pole and grab onto the roof.

It's damp and slick with rainwater, but nothing I can't handle.

I step on top and make sure to crawl around to avoid making noise with my shoes and to distribute my weight.

Several skylights are cut evenly into the roof. As I crawl over to two, I see they overlook the 'arena'. The other two overhang the room where the hosts bicker in preparation.

In the room with the hosts, dogs of all sizes and varying malnutrition are stacked in cramped cages. Some dogs bark and others whimper. It's a chorus of desperation.

I'll help you....

I pull out my pistol and aim at the head of one host.

Just before I go to shoot he moves out of my range. Into the arena. They all do.

I crawl back over, thankful for the knee pads I chose to wear and look for another target.

"Welcome, everyone!" A man who looks no older and me shouts to the crowd. "I hope you're all looking forward to tonight's events. We have quite the spectacle lined up."

The bouncer walks over and whispers something to the host making announcements.

"Well! It turns out someone didn't pay their dues when they arrived. Anyone care to fess up?" 

The host steps closer to the crowd, a devilish smile planted on his face.

Before I can take another breath, he walks up to the two women who walked in shortly before I got onto the roof, pulls out two pistols and shoots them both in the head at the same time.

I have to repress a gasp.

The women fall to the ground with light thuds and the host shoves the pistols back into some part of him.

"Where was I?" He asks the crowd.

Nobody answers. He continues.

"Well now that all the appropriate guests are here, lets get started shall we?"

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