Bonus Chapter - The Red Wedding - The End - Part 2

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"We now have what we want."

Fuck. She's right, I do like a good spectacle, but not at my expense and certainly not my one and only wedding day. If I make it out of here alive, this will surely be quite the tale to tell my child.

"Ok, but I don't have what I want. Can you guys just let me marry this man and then take me away?" I ask sweetly.

"Are you fucking delusional?" Azelia raises her voice at me.

"No need to yell. I'm well within talking range, whispering range for that matter, hell you're so close I can probably hear your thoughts-"

"Shut up!" She presses the knife a tick into my skin. I wince at the pain, and at the trickly of blood seeping from my neck and running down my body onto my dress.

"Look what you've done, you've ruined my-"

She presses it a tick further. More blood, more pain. I shut up.

And try to come up with a plan.

How do I move to get my knife without decapitating myself. 'Oh, I've got an itch on my thigh', 'you want me to bend down and eat you out, I hear all girls like that', 'hang on lemme make this a fair fight and press my knife against your throat'. Like, none of this will work. I don't want to die, but right now that's looking like the only way out of this. 

Maybe I can persuade her I'm not a threat and and let me go.

"I have a question."

"Really? What?" I can feel Azelia roll her eyes, even though she is behind me.

"What are the chances of you guys letting me live long enough so my baby can live?"

"What are you not getting, we want to end your bloodline."

"Yeah I got that, but still."

"Shut up or I will spill your blood right here, right now."

"What's stopping you. You have me immobilized, in your clutches, at your mercy. Why not kill me right now?"

She goes still and quiet. That gives me the sense that there is someone above her who wants me. She said they all want something from me, she never indicated it was now. She never indicated she'd kill me here. Interesting.

Hongjoong's face changes. "So you need to bring her back alive or you'll face the consequences."

He went from the most furious face I've seen on a man to this coy smirk, and even takes a step back with his hands in the air. 

"I'd like to see you try." He says quietly.

"We will be taking her, one way or another. You can live to say goodbye to her here, or be killed now." Azelia confesses.

"Neither will be happening, especially since you're in my territory."

"He's right," I chime in, "You've chosen a terrible spot to try and kidnap me. You know nothing about this land, or the precautions it has for situations like this. Hell, a helicopter could be descending right now with snipers ready to take you out." I know there isn't one, but it'd be cool if there was.

I can feel her eyes darting around, the knife coming a little looser on my neck, no longer pressing in like it was. If this keeps up, then I can grab my knife and take her out. She just needs to be distracted more.

My eyes flick to Hongjoong, he, like me, sees it too. The fault line in their plan. How unprepared they are. Which is great for my chances of survival.

But what else can we do? Offer someone in my place, no. Threaten to take my own life here... maybe.

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