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I wake up in my new concrete room, both my head and shoulder screaming in pain.

I try to sit up but am met with a whole new wave of pain that I fall back onto the bed.

I use my good arm to feel around my pants for my knives. They're not there. Fuck fuck fuck. I left them stuck in the bodies of those hosts. I've never been so sloppy as to leave my knives anywhere.

"Hello?" I call out into my empty room. "Anybody here?"

No response. 

I try my best to sit up again, and with great struggle, I do. 

"Fuuuuuck that hurts," I whimper.

I see my laptop open on it's desk and will it over to me.

I'm not Yoda, so it doesn't work.

I try as best I can without moving off the bed to reach the laptop, but no luck.

Then behind me I hear a cough.

I turn my head around and see Mr Kim Hongjoong. "Can I help you?" I ask with my good arm still outstretched.

"You're lucky you're still alive." He says and grabs my laptop and holds it out of my reach.

I sit back on my bed stifling a wince as my shoulder moves. "Can I have my laptop?"

"No. Not until we discuss somethings first."

Aww shit. I'm in trouble with big daddy-o.

"Like what?"

"Like the fact that you passed out from a gunshot wound and I had two frightened old men call me at 4am saying that you were dying."

My burner phone I brought in case everything went to hell must have been taken from my coat pocket and they must have dialed the one and only number I had inputted into it. "Yeah, what about it?"

"Y/N, you could have died there if Yeosang and Wooyoung didn't get you when they did."

"Then I'll thank them." Will I though?

"Care to explain how you got shot in the first place?"

"Well, one asshole started a fire and I needed to knock down a door and then some bouncer shot me." I attempt a casual shrug with my good arm.

"I thought that The Serpent doesn't let things like this happen."

"Hey there, I killed eight people all by myself." I say a bit too proudly and sit up straighter.

"What about all the animals?"

"Safe. But two ran away." I look at Hongjoong. "How are you holding up?"

"I mean it's been almost two days since I saw you conscious last, so I'm doing better."


"Oh silly me I forgot to mention that, didn't I?"

He lays my laptop on my lap and sits beside me on my bed.

"You were right..." I say after he sits down.

"I'm sorry can you repeat that?" He looks at me with a smirk and a hand to his ear.

"I should've asked for some help. Even though it would have made me look weak-"

"Y/N, look at me." I look at him and he does me. "Asking for help isn't weak. You took down a shit ton of people down yourself and made it out. But if you had asked for help, it would have been much easier."

I nod.

I start typing away at my computer and look around my room. "Where's the security camera I stole?" The camera I stole was one of those cameras that stores the video information within its own system rather than a main system, so I knew I'd be able to get some videos (and if I was extremely lucky: audio) off of the camera.

"Jongho has it. We figured you'd be using it to identify the other people at the fight so they could be sent away."

"Yes... that's exactly what I had planned."

"He's already done it."

Damn, that was fast. It usually takes me a solid week to crack into the recording systems of these encrypted cameras and then write detailed information about each suspect. He got it done in less than two days. Now I'm really regretting that Hongjoong was right and I was wrong.

"I have something for you..." he says and pulls out something wrapped in cloth.

I take it from his hands and unwrap... my knives!!

Now I'm even more indebted to him.

"Th-thank you... this means a lot to me."

"I didn't think I'd be able to keep you around much longer if you didn't have those." He nods to the knives. "Great quality, I might add."

I'm gonna hate myself after this...

"Hongjoong, can I be real with you?" I ask a bit nervously.

"Of course."

"Thank you. You didn't have to do any of this for me. I get I'm an asset because I'm the most direct tie to my parents and all that but-"

"I'm- I don't solely have you here because of you're parents. You're one of the best in the game at what you do." He says in a matter-of-factly tone.

He takes my hand in his and rubs his thumb over my hand.

 I flinch at the sudden touch, but just let him have this.

It's been years anyways since someone showed be any kind of compassion.

And then, just like before, he leans in and lays his lips against mine.

Maybe it's the delirium, maybe it's because I'm so broken, maybe there's another reason, but I lean into the kiss.

I take my hand out of his grasp and wrap it around the back of his neck into his soft hair.


We sit on my tiny cot, kissing for God knows how long until he finally pulls away, licking his lips.

"No matter what you believe, I meant that. All of that." He says smoothly and lays a hand on my cheek before leaving my room. Closing my door behind him.

Asshole. I didn't even stop him or myself. Maybe it would have been better for me to stay abstinent from men and their woes. Well, any affection from anyone really, doesn't matter the gender.

I put my hand up to my lips, feeling the feel of him lingering.

Maybe I should cut him again... just to keep him on edge.

I smile genuinely at the thought of annoying him again.

We're just two broken cogs in this clock of a world.

For the rest of my waking time that day, I can't get him out of my head.

A/N: egileghrwgiuhrg, I thought that was kind of cute. Broken people finding each other make the best things happen.

So excited for Kingdom tomorrow!

Remember, no fanwars. Let's support everyone! (2021)

(I miss kingdom -2023)

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