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The second the doors open, the second I become immersed in this fantasy world.

Servers dressed in crisp black and white maneuver through the bejeweled crowds. Shimmering chandeliers hand low and cast a bright glow onto everyone. People dressed in all colours imaginable to the human eye laugh and drink and speak in soft tones with one another. A group of musicians plays quiet tunes on a small stage, and people sway to the rhythm.

Then my joy washes away as I see, at the center of all the attention, my mother and father, arm in arm with each other. They're both dressed to the nine's in deep burgundy. Even through their masks, it's easy to spot them. From this distance, they look younger than when I left. Maybe I relieved some stress for them.

"They're in the center," I say calmly to Hongjoong.

He nods and leads us to one of the several bars.

Who knew a hotel could be this grand?

"What can I get for you two?" The bartender asks.

"Two tequilas, please." Hongjoong requests, letting go of my arm to lean over the counter.

We both hop up onto a bar stool each and wait for our drinks.

In a matter of seconds, a black haired man slides our drinks to us. I recognize the man to be Wooyoung. "Thank you, sir." I say.

"No problem, miss." He responds and leaves again.

While I still sip away at my drink, Hongjoong has his gone and is looking at me hard.

"Men are going to try and be creepy with you tonight." He says blatantly.

I blink and shrug. "They always are. There's one sitting beside me now."

He rolls his eyes. "I'm serious."

"I know. I know how to defend myself if the occasion arises."

Taking the last sip from my drink, I push the glass stained with my lipstick away.

I hop off the stool and wait for Hongjoong's arm before we mix ourselves in with the crowd.

We don't try and make conversation with anyone at first, just to get a feel for the general mood of the place. And people don't talk to us right off the bat either. Maybe because we're on the younger side of the attendees.

"There." I say and nudge my head to an elderly woman draped in midnight blue.

He follows my lead and we approach the woman.

"Hello," I say to her formally, "So hard to find people to make conversation with, huh?"

Removing her champagne glass from her lips, she laughs. "Yes it is. Especially considering this event."

I nod along with her. "What brings you here tonight, if I may ask?"

"I gave a large donation to the organisation and they invited me here tonight. Can't say I'm feeling all that welcomed."

"Aww, that's awful. Hopefully we can help with that."

She looks between me and Hongjoong. "My, you two look awfully young. Why are you here?"

"We're here from France on behalf of a program we believe could be extremely beneficial to the organisation."

She tilts her head. "Intuiging, what kind of program, you say?"

"A program more advanced than anything our world has witnessed, ma'am. Think AI meets sci-fi meets robot."

I pat Hongjoong's arm playfully with a smile.

Dirty Deeds || Kim Hongjoong x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now