Time to get your ass up, b*tch

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*Another month has gone by*

This month... like the last two, went by pretty smoothly. Hongjoong and I spent mornings and evenings nestling in each other's arms discussing all the dream details for our future wedding. Nothing has been set in stone, most things we talk about are fantasial things like riding in on horses, being wed atop a cliff at sunset, etc.

Even the other guys would throw in little ideas in passing.

But still in the back of my mind... are my brothers. I wake up thinking about if today is the day they'll make a move. Each night I go to sleep I'm terrorized by the things they left me with, the reasons they wanted me gone. I would never have suspected that they envied me. It makes sense now why my parents used the methods they did on me, although still horrible and abusive.

"Y/N," Hongjoong whines my name and strokes my hair. "Get out if your head."

"I can't help it, it just comes onto me." I shrug into him, his bare skin rubbing against mine.

Last night we fell asleep in my room while watching a movie on my phone. I had my phone propped up with my hands and held it there for what felt like forever so it was at the perfect angle for us both. Hongjoong stroked my hair the whole time until I fell asleep. I swear I heard him humming while I was drifting off. But if I ask him, he'll deny it.

"What do you want to do today, my lovely?" Hongjoong asks.

"I don't know. Nothing? Anything? You pick." My voice comes out in a bored tone, but it's only because my mind is still caught in that constant loop of overthinking about the worst to happen.

"We can lay here for a while longer until something comes to mind." He doesn't sound annoyed or upset that I'm like this. This fine ass man really does accept me for who I am.

Hongjoong's slender fingers find there way to my own and I fiddle with his hand as I get lost in my thoughts again.

"Y/N!" Haechan yelled out to me as he stormed throughout the house trying to find me.

I was still so young and small, so I was still able to find the most creative hiding places of my old home.

Why was my brother looking for me? Well, I took his phone. A flip phone at that. But he still had some dirty messages on there that he didn't want anyone to know about.

I was strolling throughout the halls on this surprising humid spring day when I came across Haechan sprawled across the large couch in one of too many living rooms.

He had his phone open and a stupid smirk stuck to his face.

"What are you doing?" I asked and kept approaching him.

He quickly closed the phone and tried to shoo me away with his foot. "Adult stuff. You'll understand understand you're older."

He looked back at his phone, expecting I had scurried off to do some other menial child like task. Oh boy was he wrong. I raced up to him, snatched the phone out of his grasp and ran like hell.

He stumbled out of the couch and I heard a thud before his feet started pounding on the hard floor. But he was too late because I was already hiding.

Dirty Deeds || Kim Hongjoong x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now