Taking Me There

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"Who knew loving someone could be that fun?" I murmur into Hongjoong's hair in the morning.

"I should have told you earlier then." He admitted.

"Mmm, how long have you loved me?"

He sharply exhales and leans on his elbow. "About a month ago when you were pulling on Yeosang's and Jongho's hair forcing them to make you a pie."

I have to hold back a laugh while remembering the incident in question.

"Get off your asses and make me some pie. I'll even take cake!" I yelled at Yeosang and Jongho who were peacefully playing a video game.

"No fuck off." Jongho spat out.

Well I wanted pie. I was gonna get pie.

I knew they weren't playing an online game so when I unplugged the console from the wall, I knew other people weren't losing a teammate or anything.

"What the hell I was actually winning!" Yeosang screamed out, throwing his controller to the ground.

"I want fucking pie and I fucking want it now." I groaned out.

"Then make it yourself, dammit." Yeosang was up and walking towards me, anger washing off him.

It was kinda funny to see him this angry over a game.

"Nah uh. You guys make really good dessert and I'm craving pie. Gimme gimme."

"You just want to see me break something open, don't you?" Jongho asked, controller held firm in his hands.

I shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe not."

With that, he hit his controller over his knee, cracking it beyond repair and then pulling the two halves apart.

I swallowed. He might be a little bit more mad than I'd anticipated.

"We were in the fucking final boss level, asshole." Yeosang spat.

Ah, that's why.

"Make me pie and you can finish your game."

"We'll have to restart a whole- nevermind, you wouldn't get it."

"Make me my damn pie."

"No. N. O."

Hongjoong, probably hearing the commotion, stepped into the room. "What's going on?"

"They won't make me my damn pie." I said, Yeosang's hair held in my fist.

"Let me go, asshole!" Yeosang yelled out, stifling his cries of pain.

"No. N. O."

I dragged Yeosang over to where I could reach out to Jongho who had been standing with his arms crossed, then grabbed a fistful of his hair.

"Gahhh! Let us go!" Jongho yelped.

"Nah uh. Make me pie!"

"Wh-what kind?"


"You gonna help out here, Hongjoong?" Yeosang squawked.

"Looks like she's got it covered." Hongjoong said, a wide smile on his face, his hands up in defense.

I started dragging my two hostages to the kitchen, where with each step they protested. Hongjoong followed, loving that for once he didn't have to yell at them for something.

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