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"Do you want to kill them, or should I?" Hongjoong asks a little too smoothly after he's held me for a long long time.

"Maybe a little bit of both?" I whisper.

He chuckles into my shoulder and kisses it once. He lifts himself off me with a small grunt and stretch. "You should rest a little longer and then we'll get everything settled away, ok?" He asks gently.

I roll my eyes and sigh. "I'm just fine. I'm more than fine. I'm good to go. Ready to throw hands." I punch the air a few times to show my strength is back and better than ever.

Hongjoong sucks in a breath and chews on his lip for a moment. "Let me get Yeosang. Only if, and I mean only if he clears you will we get to the violent events of the day."


Hongjoong steps out of the room to go and find the doctor of the house.

A minute later, the pair walk back in, Hongjoong muttering something to Yeosang under his breath. I know there's no point in me asking what it's about.

Yeosang clears his throat once he nears my bed. "So Hongjoong says you think you're ready to go beat the shit out of your brothers?"

I roll my eyes. "I've been ready for a while. So can I leave?"

"I just need to check on some things and I can tell you if you're good or not." Yeosang walks up to the monitors near my bedside and clicks a few buttons on them. I wish I knew what they did so I could tell him myself that I know for a fact I'm just fine.

Most of me actually feels fine, my mind just feels... fuzzy.

I watch Yeosang with impatience while his foot taps the floor and echoes and he searches the screen for who knows what.

"You feeling fuzzy or dizzy at all?" Yeosang's head turns to me.

I open my mouth and close it again. I should probably lie and tell him no. But I don't know if that feeling could lead to worse things if left untreated.

"Answer honestly." He says.


Yeosang nods once. He taps the monitor beside me again. It lets out a series of beeps and shuts off.

Hongjoong's eyes flick from mine to Yeosang, who has his back turned to Hongjoong.

"You're all good, Y/N. It's normal to feel off for a bit." Yeosang claps a hand to my shoulder, quite awkwardly I might add. He's not usually one for physical affection since I've known him.

He gently removes the needles from me and offers me a bandaid. I'm not a child, so I turn him down.

Then he offers me a lollipop, which I gladly take (like a child), and he snickers.

I pop that lollipop into my mouth without a second thought. And, for good measure, I flip Yeosang off.

Hongjoong takes my arm as I wobble out of the bed. "Maybe you wanna change before seeing your brothers?"

Looking down at my outfit, I see that it looks pretty plain in comparison to what I want to wear and how I want to feel when I take them down. I shrug, "Yeah, that's probably a good idea."


Thirty minutes passed as that's how long it took me to figure out what to wear and freshen up a little bit. Hongjoong's been leaning against the wall right outside my room the whole time. His arms crossed and his chin tilted down, which tells me he's deep in thought. And with the current situation, he's probably gone all torture mode.

"Hey, Joong, you good?" I ask quietly, trying not to startle him out of his trance. 

His head whips around to mine and he blinks a few times rapidly. "Yeah... yeah, I'm fine." He checks me and my outfit out and gives me a coy little smile. "You're okay with getting blood all over these nice clothes?"

I shrug and roll my eyes. "If they're not drowned in red by the time we're done then what's the point?"

Hongjoong huffs a short laugh and extends his arm for me to take it. My arm loops through his and we make our way up to the chambers where my brothers are held.

This is it.

The last moments I'll have with any remaining living family members I had while growing up. Sure some weren't actually biologically related to me, but it feels like they are.

After I finish, I'll have nobody from my childhood left. In some ways that's good. No reminders of who I was and the trauma I faced. But, I'll never be able to look back on those people and memories without knowing I killed them all. I ended the possibility of any future memories whether good or bad. 

It'll be a fresh start for me. A life with no connection to my dark past. I can make my life progress and prosper how I want without any influence or consequence from anyone else. And the money I'm set to inherit from my parents will greatly help me. A smile a little at the thought of all the dirty money going towards better causes that nobody in my family would approve of.

The elevator stops and Hongjoong and I take those few steps to the doors where my brothers are being kept alive for their final moments. I still haven't decided how I'm going to take their lives. Maybe it'll come to me when I see their pathetic, broken expressions when they're bound up.

Seonghwa sees us approach the door and gives a slight nod and turns the metal knob.

A/N: Oops, sorry I was gone for months. University really takes up my time. I was busy the whole time. Was I doing work the whole time? Eh, not necessarily, there may have been some other stuff I was doing too. But it's Winter Break now so I plan on finishing this story. It shouldn't take me more than two weeks or so to do so anyway.

Thank you all for your continuous support and love for this fic. And Congrats to ATEEZ on all their recent work and success. As a fan I'm so proud.

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