Ring Ding Dong

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A/N: The title is purposely that after SHINee's infamous song. RING DING DING DING DONG RING DING DING DONG RING- you get the point, hopefully it's stuck in your head again <3


My hands scramble to reach out for my phone and I answer the call, making sure I remember to put on my French persona again.

"Bonjour. Comment est-ce que je peux t'aider aujourd'hui?" I ask.

"Hello?" I hear a familiar male voice say through the other end.

"Oh, déso- sorry about that. How can I help you today?"

"This is Min Taeyang, I believe we spoke about your... program a few days ago."

"Yes, of course. How would you like to proceed?"

"We'd like to pay you $3 million for your best prototypes."

"Mhmm, now we've been getting quite a few orders recently so there may be a delay with delivery." Completely fake, I just needed my father to get impatient and add more money onto his payment to 'hurry along' his order.

"Hypothetically, if I was to make a larger purchase, would that speed up the delivery?"

"Depends on how much more you're will-"

"$4 million."

"Yes. Your order will be shipped and received much quicker. All we need to finalize that is the more awkward part, I'm afraid." I give a little chuckle.

He more than willingly offers up one of his addresses, along with his credit information for one of his bank accounts.

Each thing he says I type into a program into my laptop that will go directly to Jongho so that we can get to work at pocketing this money.

I don't want to jinx this by saying that it's going well, so I won't. In fact, its going quite poorly.

"Thank you very much for your purchase, Mister Min. We hope you will find great joys in being one of the first to use this revolutionary technology." 

"Thank you for offering it to me. I do hope that I enjoy it or you folk will be receiving a different call from me later." He chuckles lightly, but I heard the intended threat.

"Disappoint me and I will make you pay."

Oop- that's exactly what I'm in the process of doing.

"Don't hesitate to call this number if you have any future questions, inquiries or concerns."

"Thank you."

And the call ends.

Shutting the phone down and removing the battery, I toss it away from me.

That whole situation felt like poison being force fed into me and burning through my body.

I review the information my father gave to me and can't say I'm shocked by it.

He used one of his favourite vacation home's address. Used credit information of his that I haven't seen before so he must be really into these robots.

I realise he must have spent these past view days verifying the information I gave him to make sure it wasn't a hoax, which it technically is, but...  All the information I presented to him at the charity event was authentic.

"Y/N, what do you do when someone offers you something?" My mother asked when she'd teach me things when I was young enough to be manipulated.

"I make sure it's real and that I won't lose out on anything," I'd said with certainty and a toothy smile.

"Good. What do you do if someone asks you to follow them somewhere?"

"I say no thank you and leave."

"What about if they try and grab you like," my mother hastily grabbed my wrist in her long nailed hands, "this!"

I screamed and tried to twist my arm out of her grasp.

"No!" She let go of me and let out a sigh. "When someone grabs you, you fight back. You do not cower and scream."

"But I can't help it-"

"You need to learn to, Y/N." She sighed again. "Go to your room and find something to do."

I cried as I sulked back to my room. I had disappointed her. I didn't know exactly how or why, but she wasn't impressed with me.

My door closed soundlessly behind me and I flopped onto my bed to cuddle my stuffies. They always brought me joy.

"... She needs a trainer, or at least something so she can grow a backbone!" I hear my mother yell.

"Then go ahead and do it. But I don't think she's cut out for this, that we'd be better off without...." My father's voices trails off as he leaves my earshot.

Being stupid, young and naive, I didn't think much of these dreadful memories that haunt me, but now I see why my mind is shaped in the twisted way it is. Why I can't open up easily or form relationships. 


"How's it coming along, Jongho?" I ask, peering over Jongho's shoulder as he types away at his computer.

"Well, I'm at least getting somewhere." He responds without taking a breath away from the screen. "These preliminary firewalls-"

"Ok don't get too techy on me. I know some things, but not a lot."

I tap his shoulders and walk off, leaving him to his work. Unintentionally, I find myself with a small smile playing at my lips because I'm proud of myself for having come this far in fooling my parents.

Sure they sent people around the city to find me. Sure they almost did. Sure Komodo almost killed me. But he didn't.

Sure Jongin has some information on my life I'd rather kept secret, but he hasn't acted on it yet or come looking for me.

We win some we lose some. One step back, two steps forwards.

Then hands slip around my waist, lifting me off the ground.

"Gah!" I screech out louder than intended, earning a few glances from passerbys. "Joong, if it was anyone other than you, I'd have you floored right here."

"When you say floored... can you be more specific? Because I can see two scenarios." Hongjoong let's out a sarcastic laugh.

"Beat up. Beat to a pulp."

He lets me down and takes my hand in his. 

"Why are you so touchy right now...? Especially where other people can see and make fun of us?" I ask with a light squeeze to his hand.

"So I can't show affection to my girlfriend? That's upsetting. And I had a surprise for her too..."

He releases my hand and starts to walk away from me.

I chase after him and hop onto his back. "Onward ho, you hoe!" I say, wrapping my legs tightly around his waist. And then I squeeze them just to tease him.

He sighs and holds onto my walking to this mystery location.


He walks into the kitchen and stops, urging me off his back.

"What are we doing here? Some kinky stuff on the counter? I mean I wouldn't mind-" 

"No, honey," he looks in my eyes as he uses the nickname knowing I'll immediately start blushing, "I'm making you food."

My eyebrows raise. "You can cook?"

"Of course. Now sit back and watch." He ties an apron around his waist and then turns to me. "Please don't start thinking of things you want to do to my while I'm busy making food. Just wait until afterwards." He winks and sets himself to work.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, the end is more of a filler. I want to use some of the future chapter to expand on everyone's past and how they got into this mafia. maybe that will mean some changes in pov, who knows.

Alsooooo, thank you for the 170+ reads. OMG. I've never been this popular!!! Love y'all!!!

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