peachy clean

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"What the fuck is happening!?" Jongin screams out. He turns angrily to Haechan who mutters a protest. Jongin nods once and they both turn to me.

"Y/N since you're not cooperating, we have to tie you down." Haechan admits, and pulls a set of zip ties from his coat.

I hold my arms out in my chair and put my ankles together. "Since you're not my real brothers, I can call this as it is. Kinky."

Haechan links his lips and looks away from me. "Just shut up."

"Tie it tight. We know she can get out." Jongin rubs his temples and I see his hair is soaked.

The zip ties are tied around my wrists and ankles tightly, but it's nothing I haven't gotten out of before. I barely feel the zip ties though, because the pain in my head is so overwhelming.

Haechan moves back with Jongin and they make a little small talk to each other. Meanwhile, their members behind them are suffering. The ones that are standing have their eyes looking extremely tired and the ones gathered around the passed out few are holding their heads in pain.

"If you don't tell us what's going on, I'll just kill you here." Jongin looks around, searching for anyone or anything that might give away my plan. "I saw that stupid bubblegum friend of yours earlier. I want him out here."

I figured that might happen, so I asked San about it earlier. If he'd be comfortable subjecting himself out here. He was practically safe from the other people, but not to what was going down behind the scenes. He said he'd be fine, that he wouldn't be out out long at that point.

"You mean San?" Jongin nods. "SANNIE! Visitors!"

A few seconds pass and San struts out, his hands up in defense and wearing thin clothing to prove he had nothing to do with what was going on.

"It looks to me like you have faulty people. I hope you kept the receipt." I let my snide comment come out.

"Haechan, tie him up too. Then we'll really know she's not bullshitting us." Jongin says overly loudly to Haechan.

With a huff or defiance, Haechan again does what he's told. San doesn't fuss about going in the chair pulled out for him and instead mutters about how this is something similar to what him and Wooyoung do.

"Shut up, pinkie." Jongin spits at San.

"Leave him be. He's harmless." I retort.

Haechan clears his throat. "This guy actually took out a large chunk of our men before so he's far from harmless."

Two more people fall on top of some that have already passed out. Everyone's attention turns to there, where everyone looks like shit and feverish. They're even more shocked now because well, San is out here and he can't do anything to have knocked those people out now being all tied up.

"That's it." Jongin takes out a medium sized jagged hunting knife from his belt and stomps up to me. He presses it firmly to my throat. I wince slightly at the pain and I can feel the dribbles of my warm blood trickling down my neck. "Who else is here? What are you doing?"

"You can look for yourself but you'll never find anyone." I respond as calmly as possible, feeling more and more blood leave my body with each stretch of my neck as I speak. "But you won't find anyone. This is not my doing."

Technically, I'm not knocking them out. But my plan is. And by the time Jongin left to try and find the rest of the members, he'd be long out cold.

Speaking of, "You know," I stare right into Jongin's eyes when I speak, "You're not looking too good yourself. Maybe you'd like to sit this one out, let the big adults handle it."

Dirty Deeds || Kim Hongjoong x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now