Mingi's Story - Fired Up

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Mingi's personal story of how he became a member of the infamous mafia ATEEZ. Not part of the main plot.

Mingi's POV:

I woke up in the bed next to the married heterosexual couple I had a threesome with the night before.

They forgot I was there because they're curled up into each other, and I was off to the side.

I guess that was my cue to go.

But not without taking a little something for myself.

I've always had a knack for guns. I'd always be making and creating and when I was a kid I made some very questionable things that got me in trouble quite often.

And I can always tell which people have weapons. Like a gaydar... but for guns.

I knew this place was loaded.

I silently slipped out of the bed and grabbed my clothes that were mixed in with the couple's clothes off the floor.

I shuck them on and tiptoe out of their room and to a closest I saw the night before.

The closet is situated at the end of a hallway, wooden door shut firmly and it doesn't look like it's used much.

I turned the doorknob which didn't squeak and the door opened.

It's like they were begging me to take their guns.

Inside the dark closet were several semi-automatic and automatic guns, as well as small little handguns barely good for popping the top off a beer.

How these two got access to these guns, I have no idea, but finders keepers, losers weepers.


I stuffed my new guns into my 'torture chamber' as I liked to call it.

It was a room full of guns hanging and laying around, along with a table full of parts I used to make my own makeshift guns.

What did I do with all these weapons of mass destruction?

I was a gun commissioner/dealer, whatever worked for me.

I made or steal guns and then sell them to desperate people for a gouged price.

My phone was buzzing so loudly it was vibrating off my table.

I picked it up and answered it. "Hello?"

"Is this Minky?"

"What do you want?"

"I need ten semi-automatic rifles by the end of the week. Can you do that for me?"

"I can do just about anything. But I'll need $75,000 up front."

I heard a scoff over the phone and another voice in the background complaining about my price. "If you don't like the price, you can go find someone else to supply you-"

"No. We'll take it." The voice on the other end interrupted.

"Good. Let me know where and I'll meet you there next week."

They gave me an address I knew only too well and the exact time, pleading 'not to be late'.

After the phone call I checked the time and swore to myself. I had to get to the hospital in time to see my grandmother before she went into surgery.

I rushed out of there and onto the bus. I heard my phone blaring in the background, and I probably should have answered it, but I left it there.


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