Living Large

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Another few weeks go by.

The only times I leave the compound are to tour the garden. The buds are still bright and it gives me a sense of freedom each time I visit.

I've been all healed and better for a while now. In some ways it's good, in others, well I liked being lazy.

Why good? Sexy times. I get to be completely independent again. I can do whatever the hell I want without someone going "Y/N, wait! You could hurt yourself again!" Like geez, I've climbed trees taller than this before.

Why bad? People keep complaining about the noise coming from mine and Hongjoong's rooms. My responsibilities have returned. I don't have many, but it was nice to not have them. And I've resumed my physical and abilities training. Just in case.

"Punch that bag like it's your worst enemy!" Seonghwa yells at me over my shoulder.

"Right. Now. You're my enemy!" I scream back in between punches.

For today's wonderful amazing session, with Seonghwa as my 'trainer' for the day, he has me beating up bags of sand. When he demonstated what'd I'd be doing, he was able to knock the bag off it's chain and crashing onto the floor in a matter of moments.

Then there's me, still fighting to hit it according to his standards.

"No, Y/N. Not like that." He takes my hands and molds them into the type of fist he uses when punching.

"Really? My pinkie isn't clenched enough for you?"

He tightens the wrap and lets me hit the bag some more.

The bag swings back and forth with some of my stronger hits, but never gets close to breaking the chain.

I am kind of tempted to just cut the chain.

"Okay stop." Seonghwa grabs the bag to stop it from swinging. "You're not going to get it today. You're doing fine, but you just need more practice."

"Ahaha. Oh man I can't wait until I have to teach you all how to be silent and sneaky." I sneer at him.

He rolls his eyes and tosses me some water.

When I'd started to get back into the groove of things, Hongjoong called us all in for a meeting and suggested we all try and train each other in our area of expertise.

Thanks to recent events, we never know what's going to happen and it's better to be prepared for anything. So each day or every other day, we pair up and someone tries to teach the other something.

Most days, it ends in someone arguing with Wooyoung. Then once either San or food show up, Wooyoung is quiet as a mouse.

I've had a session with each of them but Seonghwa so far. My hopes are high for him because he listens more than his other members.

"Do you want to try your hand at hand to hand combat?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me, trying to get a reaction to the pun he just made.

I stick my tongue out at him. "Not really. You're just gonna whoop my ass again."

"Well as long as we both know now..." He trails off and fetches himself a bottle of water.

Since... well everything, Seonghwa has become much more amiable. 

He jokes with me like everyone else does, he doesn't keep his distance or shoot me glares. I'm glad those thing's have changed.

"You're insufferable," I mutter behind his back.

He doesn't hear me. And good thing too because if he did he'd probably make me fight him. My arms ache too much for that right now.

"So then I guess we're done for today." He shrugs on a sweater and brushes his hair out of his face.

Dirty Deeds || Kim Hongjoong x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now