Shopping Spree

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"Y/N~" I hear a voice cooing my name.

Believing I'm still dreaming, I smile.

"Y/N~" The voice whispers, sweeter than silk.

I roll over in my bed, the smile never leaving my face and not wanting to wake up from this dream.

"Y/N~" the voice hums for a third time and this time I feel a kiss on my exposed forehead.

My eyes shoot open and I sit straight up, hitting the silk-voiced man in the head, with none other, than my own head.

"Ow," we both say, rubbing at our own heads.

Hongjoong, taking his hand away from his head sits on the end of my bed. 

"Why the hell did you wake me up from me dream?" I ask annoyed.

"You mean that dream where you were smiling like an idiot?" He muses.

I shake my head. "No, I was smiling because in my dream I finally got to kill you once and for all."

I lunge at him, still tangled in my blankets and we both tumble onto the cold concrete floor.

"Better luck next time," He whines and escapes my grasp.

With a shiver, I wrap my blanket tightly around myself and stand up. 

Hongjoong reaches his hands out and smooths my bedhead ridden hair down. My nose scrunches at his touch and I feel my heart clench.

"All better," he says with a sweet smile on his face. "Now get ready, we're going out."

My face flushes red and I stutter to get the next words out. "Wh-what? L-like a date? Uh, I think n-not!"

He looks at my panicked state and laughs. "Not like a date. We're going shopping for our event in five days time, in case you forgot. Although-"

I stop him and shove him out of my room, closing and locking the door harshly behind him.

Why am I getting all flustered. I'm not remotely close to wanting to try dating. And, stupid even said he wasn't ready. Wait, who says I wanna date him? You're such a stupid bitch, Y/N. Now change into some fucking sexy clothes and get your ass in gear.

I sigh and dig the heels of my hands into my eyes. GAhhhhhhh.

In no time at all, I've changed into *your fave outfit* and apply minimal makeup.

I pat my sides to instinctively check for my knives as I exit my room.

There, Hongjoong, who also changed into some black dress pants with black dress shirt tucked in stood against the wall opposite to me. Seeing me, he rolled up his sleeves to his elbows and gave my outfit a quick look. "Ready?"

I nodded and walked over to his side.

"Grab some grub from the kitchen on your way out," he says and tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

I swear to all the fucking gods he better stop. My heart cannot handle this.

Out of my peripheral vision I see a faint smile on his lips after his hands leave my hair.

Once in the kitchen I grab an apple and bite into it. Passing by a muffin tray, I pick up a chocolate one and hold it tightly in my hand as I nibble on the sweet apple.

We walk in silence the whole way out of the building. It doesn't feel awkward until we reach the door and he holds it open for me.

"Trying to act like a gentleman for once?" I ask snarkily.

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