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I barely have to take a step into the room before my nose scrunches at the stench of blood. Hongjoong smells it too just as I do and he lets out a distasted cough.

"Finally here to kill us?" Jongin spits out, blood spilling down his jaw with each syllable. 

I break out of Hongjoong's arms and approach Jongin. Crouching to his eye level, I see that Seonghwa wasted no time splitting his lip and fracturing his jaw. My thumb wipes across the gash at his lip and spreads like lipstick. I snicker when he tries to move his head away. Like he has some sort of dignity to uphold.

My other hand grabs ahold of his wet, greasy hair and holds his head in place. "What Seonghwa did to you is nothing like what I'll do to you."

"You might as well just end me now. You're not gonna get any satisfaction from killing me slowly." Jongin sighs. 

"That's what you think. And you're thinking wrong. You have absolutely no idea how much more satisfied I'll be while I kill you and after. All my burdens will be gone when you're gone."

"Come on, Y/N," Haechan pipes in, "there's gotta be some other way besides killing us. You know we were only doing what Mom and Dad made us do."

My hand releases Jongin and I give him a little slap across the face as I move to Haechan. He sits with his ankles crossed and besides a bruised face, he looks like he's just fine. I'll definitely have to change that quickly. 

"You really think that that sad manipulation chatter is going to do anything besides anger me further? You must be incredibly stupid. No wonder Mom and Dad never wanted you to take the lead." I spew.

That strikes a nerve. Haechan's eyes dart to mine and he bites down on his tongue hard. "You know nothing about my relationship with Mom or Dad." He retorts.

"Ok. Sure. It's not like I'd kept tabs on you all while I was gone or while I was there for that matter." I take a step back and begin to sum up the relationships the boys had with their parents. "Jongin was older, therefore he was supposed to be more responsible. In front of Mom and Dad, he was. Behind their backs though, he got drunk day in and day out. Smashing girls every night. But in our parent's eyes, he was still able to do the dirty work. Still able to present himself to others.

"Haechan on the other hand. He was the behind-the-scenes guy. The middle child is always forgotten. And he was no exception. His special tactical skills were never given the attention he thought they deserved. He made all the plans but got none of the credit or the fame. That was his older brother's job."

Jongin's eyes bore holes through me while Haechan gives me the side-eye. If I'd made them feel this way before today, I think I'd be much happier.

"Joongie, honey," I coo, turning around to see Hongjoong leaning against the wall, his fists curled while his arms are crossed. "Anything you'd like to add before we get started?"

His head shakes once. "I think anything I would want to say to them has already been said or will be felt later on."

Jongin snarls. "I have something to say if I could be given the chance."

"Go ahead," I respond, "nothing you say to me will-"

"Not you, him." Jongin jerks his head in Hongjoong's direction.

Hongjoong peels himself off the wall and stands at my side. "Spill."

That's when Jongin's smirk grows too big for my liking. "This is the only chance I'll ever have to say that I took the lead in your family's murders. I took the lead and I took their lives. And best of all... I enjoyed it."

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