Seonghwa's Story - Heartstrings

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This chapter is Seonghwa's backstory of how he got into this group and all that. If you don't want to read it, just skip to the normal chapter that don't have other names in the title.

Seonghwa's POV

Another day, another person to protect.

That's how it always went.

I've been doing this since I was 14, and it didn't get easier.

With each new entitled asshole, I wanted more and more to throw them at the people they needed protection from.

"Don't leave my side."

"Can you pretend to be my boyfriend for tonight?"

"Don't clip my heels, they're worth more than you."

"Are you going to beat them up?"

"I'm paying  you. You do what I ask."

The only times I enjoyed having to stay by someone's side was when it was Hongjoong.

Because Hongjoong's parents were heavily involved in all sorts of illegal dealings, outings required some form of protection. I was always the first choice for Joong because we're friends. Our parents were friends, and I've known him since he was born.

But this was not one of those events.

Tonight, I was accompanying a middle aged woman to business meeting.

She said all I had to do was stand there and look pretty. 

Then I actually showed up and she wanted me to act like I was hers. In which way she meant that, I didn't know, and didn't care.

"Straighten your shoulders," She said, and rolled my shoulders back, gripping me tightly.

I did as she asked, still looking ahead with my hands behind my back.

A soft knock sounded on her door. She let a short, sweaty man in and they both sat opposite to each other.

They made small talk and exchanged laughs before getting down to business.

"400 kilos is how much we can spare for now," The man said, twisting his hands together.

"I'll need another 200 by next week." She admitted.

"We also have the... person you were searching for."

"How much will they cost?"

"The usual."

"Shit. Fine. I'll have that payed soon enough."

And just like that, the man left.

I'm smart enough to realise that they dealt  in drugs and human trafficking of sorts.

As much as I hated the fact that they do this, it's not my job to interfere and I could've ended up dead if I did.

"How old are you, boy?" She said to me.

"18, ma'am."

"How much do you know about me?"

"I know you're a very powerful woman."

She laughed. "Yes. Yes I am."

"How much of that transaction did you understand?"

"I try not to pay attention to business that isn't mine, ma'am."

"Of course you do."

She stood up and walked to her office door. She turned the lock and turned back to me.

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