Two make a pear

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For the next week, I end up sleeping less and less. My dreams- nightmares really, are plagued by my brothers dragging me back to my parents for them to chop me up and slit my throat. I had similar dreams when I killed my first couple of people. They'd drag their limbs like zombies, blood dripping from all pores and then my parents would be there, their knives slick with my blood.

Each time I awoke in a cold sweat with my hair sticking to my face and my hands shaking and involuntarily reaching for my knives that weren't there, Hongjoong would pull me back down into bed and smooth my hair until I calmed down.

This time was no different.

Reaching to my thighs, all I feel is skin. No pants, no hidden knives. My eyes dart around my dark room frantically, my breathing becoming increasingly erratic. "Where- where are- are they.." I panted.

"Y/N, honey." Hongjoong sat up beside me on my bed, rubbing at his tired eyes. "Their on your desk. You're safe. I'm right here and I won't let you go."

"I- I had another nightmare."

"I know. You wanna talk about it?"

I swallowed thickly and shook my head. "N-no."

"That's alright. Just lay down and let's try to get you back to sleep."

Hongjoong was laying back down on the bed, and pulled my hand down with him.

I was laying against his chest, feeling his deep inhales and exhales.

His hand was on my head, smoothing my hair down. It was damp from the sweat, frankly all of me was damp, but he didn't mention it.

I tried to hold onto this feeling of him comforting me as long as I could, but sleep took over me and I was out. Hard.


My hands stretched themselves out, trying to bring the warmth of Joong back to me, but all I got was fistfuls of air.

I open my eyes with a shock and see no Joong. Just a note on my desk on an orange sticky note.

Morning/Afternoon Beautiful,
I had to head out for something but I'll be back soon enough.
I hope you slept well after you woke up last night.
There's loads of company to keep you occupied while I'm out.

Reading that brought both a smile and stupid tears to my face.

A smile for obvious reasons... but tears because he's being all sweet and nice.... and because, realising what day it is, the blood rain parade will be starting in the next few days. 


"Hey sleepyhead," San smiles at me when I emerge from my room and into the lounge he usually resides in.

"Hello, Sannie." I smile back at him.

"Sleep well?"


"More nightmares?"


"My door is always open if you need someone to cuddle."

I laugh at his offer. "For one, I have Joong. Secondly, if I was to come into your room I'd either go blind from the explicit scene of you and Woo going at each other or you'd force me to cuddle with the two of you."

He puts a hand to his heart like he's been wounded by my remark. "Uh, I'll have you know Woo is very cuddly and can brighten up anyone's sour mood."

"I'll have to take your word for it because I don't have any intentions of finding out for myself. One clingy man is enough."

This intrigues San because he scoots closer to me and wraps an arm around my shoulder. "Really? What is he like, ya know intimately?"

Dirty Deeds || Kim Hongjoong x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now