Golden Ticket

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We stay in that position for a while. I dig my hands into his soft hair and he wraps his hands around my waist.

He lifts me up and lays me on my bed. We pull apart for a moment and he hovers over top of me.

I pull him down onto me and start kissing him again.

"Y/N," Hongjoong says panting. He abuprtly gets off me. "I- I'm not ready for this yet. I'm sorry. I can't do this yet."

I nod. "That's fine, buddy boy."

"You're not going to make any sarcastic comments...?"

"No. I'm not going to take advantage of something you're clearly uncomfortable with. Instead, I'm going to plan out for next week." I sit us both up.

He says his goodbyes and leaves.

I didn't tell him, but I'm not ready for that yet either. After Haneul, after everyone, it's just too much right now to let myself be that open and vulnerable with someone. With anyone.

I sit at my laptop and open my encrypted folder I have on my parents.

Min Jisoo
Age: 45
Height: 5'7"
Basic Info: Married to Min Taeyang, lawyer, runs side business

Min Taeyang
Age: 47
Height: 5'11"
Basic Info: Married to Min Jisoo, lawyer, runs side buisness

Proven Crimes: Murder, Assault and Battery, Robbery, Embezzlement, Fraud, Assault, Assault to a minor(s), Assault to a Senior(s), Dismemberment, Evidence Tampering, Illegal Human Trials, Arson, Possession and Distribution of Drugs.

Suspected Crimes: Possession and Distribution of Firearms, Assault with a Firearm, Manslaughter due to Firearm, Manslaughter, Murder, Illegal Businesses, Forgery, etc.

Ah, parents, gotta love them.

Known Associates: Min Jongin (Eldest Son), Min Haechan (Younger Son), Min Corporate Law (Business owned and operated by Min Jisoo and Taeyang) Park Jinyoung (Business Associate), Lee Soo-Man (Business Associate), Yang Hyun-Suk (Business Associate).

I sigh, reading through the folder I've spend so long putting together.

Opening another tab on my laptop, I check to see which notable people will be in attendance of the 'Charity Event'.

My parents, and their three most prominent business associates are all on the list. Some other people, actually in attendance for the 'Charity' are celebrities like Jackson Wang. 

According to my information I've gather on Wang, he's quite the party animal.

I sigh again, bored out of my mind and check the order status of my hair dye and contact lenses. Three days until I need to pick them up at one of the postal office I have listed.


"Gather round everyone, I come bearing hot gossip," I bellow to my- the team.

Seated beside Yunho, while everyone else is settling into their seats, I pull out my printed ticket and my guest's ticker for the event in six day's time.

"What's that?" Yunho asks curiously.

"I'm so glad you asked."

I fan myself with the tickets and explain their importance. "These tickets, gain me and one guest access to the "Blood for Blood Charity Event" happening in six days. My parents, along with my brothers and some business associates will be in attendance. This is the perfect opportunity to gather some much needed information on our foes."

"Who are you taking?" Mingi asks from across the table.

"Another good question. Now while I wanted to make this fun and either watch you all beat each other up for it or woo me into choosing one of you, I'll let you decide amongst yourselves."

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