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Hongjoong lets me sleep in in his arms until the sun is high in the sky.

He hums a tune that softly wakes me up.

I yawn and stretch, still held close in his arms.

"Morning, sleepyhead. Well, it's afternoon now. You need to get ready." He ruffles my hair and kisses the top of my head.

I wrap my arms around his waist tightly, squishing us together. "I don't want to get up. Can you hold me for like another hour?"

"Tomorrow, ok? After the event tonight, I'm all yours for as long as you want."

My faces starts to turn colour and he lifts me up into a sitting position with him.

He digs his head into the crook of my neck and chuckles at my blushing face. "You're such a softie for a badass."

I pull his head off me by grabbing his head, earning a few 'ow's' as I do so. Then I wiggle out of his grasp and jump off his bed.

Hongjoong rubs his head and throws his pillow at me. I dodge it and flip him off as I run out of his room.

He wastes no time in chasing me back to my room and tackles me onto my own bed.

"You annoy the shit out of me, Y/N." He says exasperated.

"Then why do you keep coming back?" I ask him with a smirk.

He shakes his head and keeps me pinned to my bed.

"Unless you want to watch me get showered and changed, I need you to leave." I whisper up at him.

Sighing boredly, he gets off me and leaves. I giggle a bit at the way he acts. 


Straight hair? Or curled? I hold both machines in my hands, debating which way I want to go.

Straight hair is something that a lot of people are currently doing, but curly is classier.

Screw it, curly.

It takes another 30 minutes to do that. Time is starting to run short.

I slip on the dress and shoes. Now I'm three inches taller with these shoes on. Hongjoong's gonna be really pissed at that.

Wait! I need to wear it!

Right after my first job, I treated myself to something I'd never had before. Diamonds. I bought a whole matching set that included a necklace, bracelets, rings and earings (*if you have them*).

I put them all on.

Then I put my makeup on. 

Looking up at the mirror for a final time, I see a completely different person looking back at me.

This young woman looks innocent. Fragile. Naive. This woman takes time to be presentable and impress others. I kind of envy her.

A light knock sounds at the door.

"Come in!" I say.

To my surprise, it's Yunho and Jongho. 

Yunho is holding a small, almost invisible earpiece and Jongho grasps a masquerade mask that matches my sparkling outfit.

"Is it too late to take Hongjoong's place tonight?" Yunho says more into the air than to me.

"You can fight him for it. That would be quite the show." I shrug.

Both men come up to me to hook up the earpiece and mask. 

Taking another look in the mirror after, I still don't recognize this foreign persona.

"Thanks. Good luck to us tonight, huh?" I say making peace signs with my hands.

They nod and each take one of my arms in their's to walk me out. 


We make it to the garage and there I see everyone making final adjustments to their outfits or gear.

"Are the two lovebirds there already?" I ask noticing San's and Wooyoung's absence.

"Yes." Yunho says on my left. "When you're there, they'll be dressed like the other workers. Both of them now have black hair. Their index fingernails are painted gold. If you need to get their attention, just tap two fingers to each other twice. They'll make their way over."

Both men lead me to the car I assume Hongjoong is in and let go of me.

I step into the passenger seat and see Hongjoong fiddling with his suit's collar. I move his hands out of the way and fix it for him. "There we go. Now you look perfect." I smile at him.

He looks at my like I tried telling him the earth is flat. "You're scared aren't you. That's why you're being so nice?"

"Maybe. I haven't seen any of them for so long and I could've waited longer."

He holds onto my hand as he starts up the car. "I'll be there the whole time, it's all going to be ok. I promise you." He lifts my hand to his mouth and kisses it.


The whole ride I just hold onto Hongjoong's hand like a lifeline. I stare out the window at the fading sunset and the bright city lights that illuminate the sky and streets. It reminds me of when I first left.

I ran as far as I could before I almost passed out on the sidewalk. At 4am, the night is still dark and nobody will have noticed me disappearance from home yet.

I turned into a dark alley and dug out my water. It was all gone in a matter of seconds.

Cautiously, I packed it all away and started walking like I belong on the streets. 

Some people gave me glances or glares, some whistled. I just barked at them and kept walking.

After another hour of walking, I started to recognize the area I'm in. I saw flyers for cheap apartments in this area. I walked up to the entrance and saw that it didn't open for another three hours. So, I just sat in front of the door, half asleep until then.

"Hey, miss!" Someone called out to me. "Can I help you."

"Hello!" I said, overly cheery, "I'm looking to rent one of your apartments."

He didn't seem to care that I looked very young. He let me in, I filled out some papers under my first fake identity and gave him the payments he needed.

He gave me the keys and directed me to my first temporary home.

Each night after that when I was in my apartment, I'd watch the sunset and smile, glad I was out on my own.


"Y/N, we're here." Hongjoong says softly, pulling into the underground parking of the hotel we're at. "Please let go of my hand. I'm pretty sure it died on the way here."

I look down at his hand which at some point went blue and cold. Turns out along the ride, I ended up squeezing it harder and harder to the point where it lost feeling.

Hongjoong didn't want to tell me to let go because he figured I'd worry more.

I let go of his hand and start rubbing it trying to get it warm and normal coloured again.

He shakes out of my grasp and shakes his hand until it returns to normal.

Holding out his arm for me to take, I loop mine through his.

Before we open the doors that will lead me straight to my parents he stops.

"Y/N. I know this is going to be hard for you. If at any point you want to leave or feel uncomfortable, we can go. I don't want you to suffer through something you don't have to." He looks at me tenderly and holds a hand on my cheek.

Even with his masquerade mask covering up some of his face, it still looks welcoming.

"I need to do this and I need to stay until the end. What's a little more suffering, eh?"

And then he opens the doors and we walk in to the bustling and bright event.

Dirty Deeds || Kim Hongjoong x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now