This Eve

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Yeosang shows up after some time, and seeing me awake, he looks relieved. Then he sees Hongjoong curled into my side, completely out and says he'll come back in another half hour.

Hongjoong, even though he's asleep, his hands are firmly grasping at my clothes.

His breathing is both heavy and soft. I hate the fact that I know he didn't sleep while I was off in dream land for a few days.

I also hate that it seems that I'm the only one on this team that passes out.

With my right hand, I gentle stroke his hair and face.

If an earthquake was to start right now, he wouldn't even notice. He'd sleep right through it.

That's just one of the things that surprises me about this man.

Even though he's a mafia leader and doesn't get much sleep, you'd think when he does he'd have some mental alarms or blocks that would prevent him from sleeping too deeply or that he'd wake up with sounds. Nope.

That time I snuck into his room and gave him that tiny cut on his neck, he was out. 

Just like he is now.


"Wakey wakey~" I say softly to him. "C'mon it's time to wake up~"

He hums in his groggy state but opens his tired eyes.

"Can I sleep a little longer?" He asks, his voice coming out like he hasn't spoken in ages.

"Yes. But not with me right now. Yeosang needs to tend to me."

"I don't want him 'tending' to you. That's my job."

I pull Hongjoong off of my side and sit him up.

Yeosang is standing near the doorway, waiting to get his work done.

"It'll only take like 10 minutes," Yeosang sighs.

Hongjoong lets out a defeated huff of air and gets off my bed. But he doesn't go far. He just stands on my right side.

I try to sit up but grab my head in pain.

"I was just gonna warn you about that... but looks like you know now for yourself." Yeosang clicks his tongue while checking over some readings on the monitors.

"How long am I going to wish for a new head?" I ask.

"A bit longer. Your skull almost fractured. You're lucky all you have is pain in your head and not brain damage or blood clots." Yeosang removes the IV bag and replaces it with a new one.

I suck in a wisp of air at that. "Sucks to be me then."

Yeosang doesn't answer. He only nods.

He goes over a checklist and asks me a series of questions.

"Just to be sure of everything, I have this standard questionnaire," He clicks his pen and clears his throat, "What's your name?"

"Min Y/N."

"When were you born?"

"D/D M/M 2002."

"So how old are you?"


"How many fingers am I holding up?"

"One. The middle finger."

"Who am I?"

"Kang Yeosang."

"Who is that?"

"Kim Hongjoong?"

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