Wooyoung's Story - Twisty Turny

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This is Wooyoung's backstory. It's not part of the main plot, so skip if you so choose.

Wooyoung's POV

"You're old enough now to take care of yourself. Get out of my house." Last thing my mom said to me before she threw a plastic bag of my belongings at me on her front step.

I was 16. Sure, legally I could leave and take care of myself, but the thought of spending time with people who cared about me was much more appealing. She wasn't one of them.

My mother always kind of despised me since I was the one reason why my father left and why she could never have any long lasting relationships. Or at least, that's what she told me. A single mom was never very appetizing in the dating world.

She really hated when I started to get into fights. I think the first one I had was on the playground at my elementary school, when I was about 11. Some kid threw rocks at me and had been annoying me for like ever, so I kicked him where I was told was the most sensitive part of a man.

Teacher saw, dragged me to the principal's office where I sat and felt pretty proud of myself. Nobody else did. Got in trouble both there and at home. I think somewhere in me I wanted to justify kicking that kid, so I kept getting into more and more fights.

Until the point where my mom deemed I wasn't her responsibility anymore.

My best friend, Yeosang was quick to help me out. He was always a smart kid so he graduated high school by the time he was 16. He enrolled into a University and we moved into a small apartment together.

From there, we both started doing our own shady versions of business. His was taking money from people who needed medical attention without the attention of people, mine was beating up people, and possibly giving Yeosang business.

"I'm gonna be gone tonight. Please don't eat all the ramyun on me this time." I called out to Yeo before I dashed out the door.

I had my bag with a change of clothes, some bandages, small first aid kit that Yeosan insisted I take and some gloves slung over my shoulder. 

I enjoyed my job. Well, it wasn't really a real employable, taxable job, but I still enjoyed it. Maybe because I was so good at it.

I never knew how long how long these matches would last, or what they'd entail until I got there. Most of the time, I was smaller and skinnier than the other people I'd fight. Mostly men because... testosterone. 

Tonight was no different. Underneath a small restaurant, a man with his long black hair pulled back into a ponytail was yelling and pointing at a bunch of different people. These people were frantically setting up the ring and cleaning up the area around it where people would come and watch.

"Slugs move faster than you good for nothing whores." The beefy man yelled out. The man turned to me, his hands curling into a fist after looking me up and down. "Who the hell are you, kid?"

"I'm Jung Wooyoung. Here for tonight's fight." I answered with a small smile and wave.

The man rolled his eyes and muttered something in Japanese that I couldn't understand. "Kid, you'll be out before the first punch is thrown."

"Not the first time I've heard that. Not the last." I said with a wider smile.

Yeah, it sucked being underestimated, which is what pushed me further into this. I had this need to prove everyone wrong.


The place started to fill in with onlookers. They were all making conversations with each other while I tried desperately to land my eyes on my opponent. The people, again mostly men, who were looking in on the ring that I was leaned against would stare at me with their hungry eyes and then shake their heads. Boy, were they gonna be shitting themselves after I won this fight.

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