Watch Your Back

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"We have to plan it all out first. Surely you know that that's how things work or you would've been caught by now," Hongjoong's annoyance rings throughout the room.

"God. Can't take a joke, huh?" I question.

That earns me some looks. And I think some of them are biting their tongues to keep from laughing.

Well at least not everyone hates me.

"It'll be a miracle if I don't shoot you before this is over." Hongjoong says roughly to me before getting up and storming out of the room.

And, I'm left alone with these mystery guys.

"I'll make this simple. I don't know who you are. And right now, I'm ok with that. I just want to get my shit here."

The man beside me speaks up, "Your 'shit' is here in your space."

"Good." I stand up and give them all the 'peace out' sign before skipping out in search of my 'space'.

The more I walk around, the more I see that I'm in some underground complex. Stealthy. Shady. With the reputation and rumours I've heard, I'm not that surprised.

I pass by some training rooms with men and women sparring. I see some people hurriedly typing at computer keyboards yelling something about 'stocks'. I see a nice kitchen and snatch an apple from it.

If it was poisoned it wouldn't have been left where it was, so I take a big bite out of it.

I find an elevator and step into it. There's a row of buttons. It ranges from "Ground" to "5 Below".
Intrigued, I click '5 Below'.

The elevator takes me down to the lowest level smoothly.

I step out and see a row of closed doors. The doors are very spaced apart.

Obviously, I walk along them.

They're all engraved with initials. I can only imagine at this point that these are living quarters.

It sure would suck if two people had the same initials.

I make it to the end of the hall and see the last door engraved with 'K.HJ'.

I knock on the door, and then bust it open.

There I witness a Kim Hongjoong angrily tapping away at a computer.

"What the hell are you doing here, Y/N?" he asks without looking up.

"Where's my room?" I ask like it should be obvious.

He points to the door.

"Just across from mine." He looks up at me. "Now don't get any ideas. I have you there so I can keep tabs on you."

"Well now that you mention it, I've got ideas..." I mumble under my breath and leave the room.

Sure enough, the room across the hall from his bears my initials. M.Y/N.

I open the door to a room that reminds me more of a prison cell than a room.

The walls are all concrete, as well as the floor. A bed built into one side, a desk jutting out across from it. A bathroom in the back, and a little closet for clothes. I'm really hoping that not everyone lives like this that the other guys I met have better rooms. Hongjoong's looked a bit better but I wasn't focused on scanning the room so I don't have a good idea of what it looks like.

There are no windows, so I'll just have to imagine what sunlight looks like from down here.

On top of my new bed, is a box of my shit. Some of my weapons and clothes. Yippee.

Dirty Deeds || Kim Hongjoong x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now