San's Story - Bubblegum

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***This is not part of the storyline, just some side context, a background story if you will. You can skip this chapter if you so choose.***

I couched in a small crate while all my other friends ran around, trying to find me. I always won at hide and seek. I could easily find a small space to crawl into and stay silent. Everyone would give up and I'd always win.

This came in handy when my parents needed a little extra help smuggling money out of places. I was so small and too young to remember where I'd do this for them, but I know I did it often enough for them to become loaded.

They were bathing in money, until they didn't even have enough money to bathe.

"The Min's" as my parents always referred to them as, showed up one day, while I was asleep in my room, hurt my parents in more ways than one, and then we were out on the streets.

During the warmer seasons, it was easy enough to get by and to stay comfortable. But the winters were the worst. My parents lost some toes, and I barely came out of each winter alive.

Then a blizzard came. We were all huddled away in the warmest spot we could find. My parents on either side of me, clutched together in a torn and weathered cloth. I had ripped coats and big socks with holes in them covering me.

My parents would keep shivering and their breathing was so weird. Night fell, and we all decided to sleep through it. Though, I was the only one who woke after that night.

Their death lead me to stealing. At first, I hated myself each time my fingers touched something I didn't own, but at that point, I didn't own anything. The people I took from always had more than enough to keep them going.

With time and experience, came the cocky smiles I'd toss people in the streets, the colourful ways I'd dye my hair to keep myself interesting and the more dangerous things I'd get myself into.

This bar was having an event where only the richest of the richest could attend. Great for someone like me who was trying to get their grubby mitts on some of that cold hard cash.

Over the time I kept myself going, I garnered enough to purchase a small storage unit where I... lived. It didn't get too cold, I had the necessities I needed there and did whatever else I needed to do elsewhere.

But getting money from here, this would let me be more than what I am. I could make a living for myself. Get an education maybe, a real job. Actually do something besides this thug life.

I slip into some sleek clothes you might see someone where at a strip joint if they were a stripper. Whatever, it's not like anyone is going to see me.

Getting to the venue isn't hard, but getting in might be a bit of a challenge.

The building is part of a strip of buildings on this tiny block. And this one happens to be in the middle.

Trickier for sneaking in through any exterior windows or doors, but that just makes it more fun when I sneak inside through the main entrance.

Where... of course the line of dripping glitter and wannabe fame drags on and on. Most of these fine people are already drunk or high, so it makes it all the easier to blend in with their behaviour.

I pick a small group of four people who are laughing, their eyes half closed and their words slurring.

"We're gonna paaaarty soooo-sooor haaaard, b'ys." One of them says to the others.

To make my infiltration all that easier again, each of the four is solely dressed in one block colour. One is baby blue, one is neon yellow, one is a soft green and the other in blood red. They all appear to be dressing in a more androgynous way, so I'm going to generally refer to them with they/them pronouns. Better to leave it to something general rather than assume.

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