Number 1

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Another week goes by.

I keep to myself.

I usually just go to the gym and workout or sit at my laptop and dig up any fragment of memories of my parents I can.

Which is what I'm at now.

Just jotting down notes and muttering angry curses under my breath and maybe writing a few down that are directed towards my parents.

Then one simple knock sounds at the door.

"Unless you're the stripper I ordered, go away." I yell over my shoulder.

That doesn't stop Hongjoong from stepping in.

He sits on the edge of my bed, watching me work.

"What do you want, Kim?"

"I have a job I think you'll like."

"I doubt it. What is it?"

"Two dozen children being held in a labour camp by a deranged couple."

"Is it my parents?"

"No. But that wouldn't surprise either of us."

"I'll take it."

I sit beside him on my bed and take the folder he's holding.

I take a quick skim through the contents.

I close up the folder and look at the man beside me.

"I was hoping you'd take someone from the team with you on this job. You'll get all the money. But you need to make some connections with people here."

I think through who I'd want with me. The only person I know well enough here is the idiot sitting beside me. Do I want to give him another excuse to yell at me? Yes, actually.

"I'll take you."

"Good. That's what I had expected anyways."

"I'm in charge. I call the shots."

"I would expect nothing less."

He stands up and leaves. Closing the door behind him.

I spend the rest of my waking hours looking through the file, doing my research and planning out my next plan of action.


"No. We're not doing that." I say to Hongjoong.

We're both sitting in my room, going over the final details before we take down my/our current targets.

"Why not?"

"We're not taking each of these kids home. That would take too much time. There's 26 of them. Once we're paid they'll all be returned home anyways."


I check the time on my phone. "We gotta get ready to go."

"I'm ready."

I look at what he's wearing. "No you're not. Too much noise with that. Change."

He leaves and comes back five minutes later with new, quieter clothes on. It's clear he doesn't partake in as many stealth missions as myself.

"Took ya long enough. We're you knitting a quilt?"

"Har har. Are you ready?"

I holster my gun. "Yes. Now I noticed your gun doesn't have a silencer. We're there to save kids, not to scar them more than they already are or to deafen them."

He takes his gun out and inspects it. "Next you're gonna say I need a safety on it."

"Yah, that's a bright idea." I roll my eyes. I toss him and extra pistol of mine and instruct him to never use that piece of shit gun he thinks he has again because it's nothing compared to the quality instruments I use. 

Dirty Deeds || Kim Hongjoong x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now