Cloudless Sky

958 35 14

Much to Hongjoong's displeasure, we all go to a public restaurant. We sit off in a corner, but Hongjoong keeps looking at the surrounding people... just in case someone gets the crazy idea of trying to kidnap me.

I keep trying to convince him that my brother isn't that bold but then he just goes into a rant about how he was bold enough to confront me on his territory.

"So this place is an all you can eat buffet. Stuff your gullets!" San call out, dragging Wooyoung to the buffet. I'm pretty sure I saw San drooling.

"We gonna go get some grub?" I ask Joong who hasn't let go of my since we stepped out of the car.

"Yes. I'm just-"

"I know. You're uncomfortable. It's all going to be okay. We need to be able to live normally and not let threats get in the way."

"When have we ever lived normally?"

I roll my eyes and drag him up to the buffet. I can clearly understand why San was drooling.

Everything, and I mean everything was here.

Meats, pastas, soups, seafoods, salads, breads, pastries, vegetables, fruits, vegan and vegetarian options of everything,  gluten free options, dairy free options, dishes from other countries that even gave some history of the dishes, can I live here?

"I'm leaving you for this buffet," I say to Hongjoong as I stuff my plate with whatever food catches my attention.

"I've already married the buffet." He admits, looking at the buffet just as lovingly as I am.

The walk back to our table is kind of like a balancing act. My plate is piled high with whatever I could find until I knew I wouldn't be able to pack any more on top.

San and Wooyoung didn't waste any time waiting for us. They're faces were hidden in their own mountains of food.

"Bon appetit." I mutter to myself.


For the first few minutes, we all remained relatively quiet as we savoured our meals. The occasional "oh my god this is sooo good" was moaned through full mouths, but other than that, silence. I was kind of grateful for it. Because who knew what kind of things these men were going to start saying?

"So, Hongjoong." San wiped his mouth with a napkin and set down his utensils. "I have a question."

"Yes, San?" Hongjoong kept eating.

"I know you and Y/N have been dating for quite some time now, but what are your intentions with my best friend?"

I choke on the bite of spaghetti I was slurping up.

Hongjoong seems unbothered by the question. "If I answer your question, I have one of my own."

San nods to himself. "Proceed."

"Hey now, there is no need to 'proceed' if you don't wanna-" I interrupt.

Hongjoong pats my hand and replied to San. "To ease your worries, San. I can see her in my future."

Cue choking session number two.

"What do you mean by future?" San inquires. "Like marriage?"

I've stopped eating at this point.

"Whatever future Y/N is comfortable with. If that means marriage, then yes."

Water isn't even an option at this point.

I look at Joong with a blank face, not knowing how to say anything to that.

He just returns my look with a smile.

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