Bonus Chapter: Wedding Planner

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It has been 18 months since the deaths of my family members. We've all moved forward in our lives and have prospered greatly. All the guys still live in the compound no matter how much I annoy them and tell them they'd be much better off on their own. That's not to say that things haven't changed around here though. Things are much different than before. 

The compound has been completely remodelled. It feels much more like a home now than a military training base. There has been a large outflux of older staff and influx of newer staff as the business objectives have changed. Hongjoong has become much more 'domesticated' one could put it - and it was NOT because of me. He chose this all on his own. His approaches to get what he needs or wants, especially when someone has done him wrong has become much calmer.

He doesn't attack or torture as much or as terribly as he did before. He still does, but just not as much. He tries to handle issues with much more diplomacy, rather than brutality. In many instances, this has worked. Partially because of Hongjoong's reputation, partially because Seonghwa stands next to Hongjoong and his stare could break your neck. Also because if the diplomacy doesn't work then Hongjoong promises a worl of pain on them.

I've continued with my own endeavours as well. I still go out and help the people who need it, I do what needs to be done. Hongjoong still protests that what I'm doing is unsafe, that I'm going to get myself hurt again. He insists I take someone with me, even remotely, and each time I laugh off his offers and pleads. Laughing is not the answer he hopes for, but I find it so incredible that each time I put myself in harms way, he does what he can without infringing on my operation or my beliefs.

Luckily, I've come back safe each time I've taken a job. I come back with minor bruises and cuts, nothing a lecture from Hongjoong and Yeosang and a few bandages won't heal.

The biggest change would probably have to be Wooyoung and San working to adopt. Three months after everything had settled, San came to me with questions and seeking advice.

I was sitting at my desk in my room, picking out furniture to buy for when the time came for my room that was to become Hongjoong's and my room to be renovated.

A light rapping was heard at my door. With a sigh, I pushed out my chair and walked to the door. Upon opening it, I see a now blonde San stood, or rather slouched in my doorway. He offers me a sad smile rather than a cheery hello like he usually does and I ushered him in.

I sat him on my bed and took a spare throw blanket and wrapped it around him. He is such a child and enjoys being comforted in such childish ways.

"What's wrong?" I asked him calmly while I sat beside him.

He shook his head slowly and I saw a tear fall down his cheek and onto his shirt. "It's... about me and Woo..." he sniffled and bit down on his quivering bottom lip.

My best friend-like insitcts kicked in and my face hardened into anger. "What happened?"

His head dipped lower and his hair fell in his face. He stifled a sob and croaked out, "well, me and Woo got to talking..." 

He paused. I didn't rush him into spilling the tea quickly so I could go and beat up Wooyoung for hurting my friend. 

San grabbed my hand and held it firm in his. "We started talking... and decided...."

Then his face broke out into the biggest smile that I was not prepared for. "We want a baby!!!"

My face and whole body went into shock. He just tricked me into thinking that he had been broken up with or cheated on or something else equally as terrible to warrant such a reaction. But no, he's so blissful and estatic. He wants a child. He is going to have a child with his beloved.

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