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My consciousness fades in and for who knows how long. I certainly don't.

Instead of taking me to a public hospital which is much closer, they all rush me back home for Yeosang to work his magic on me.

They didn't even bother waiting for that elevator to take me down, they all ran down the stairs. I could feel myself being jostled in someone's arms. 

I don't even know what stuff Yeosang did to me, I only felt the sharp jabs of needles as blood was taken and IV was inserted.

I think I heard some angry yelling coming from Hongjoong, but it could have just been my mind playing with me. I did... after all... just have my skull bashed in.

At another point, I think maybe someone sat on the edge of the thin bed I was laying in, and whispered words of encouragement to me. My hand felt warm for a moment, and warm air blowing on to it, but I don't know.


My eyes blink open.

Even though the lights are turned down low, it still takes a bit of time for my eyes to adjust.

In my left arm, an IV is stuck right in there, separate monitors set up around me, reading my pulse and... brain activity?

Scattered on a table I see x-ray photos of someone's head. Most definitely mine.

Other than that... I'm all alone.

I'm still stuck in the same clothes I was wearing from the date, but my sleeves have been cut away to allow easier access to my arms.

A thin blanket covers me, but I still feel cold.

The memories of the incident come back in waves and I need to hold my head with my hands to ease the throbbing headache.

What day is it? Have I been out for long? Where is everyone? Are they ok? Did they get hurt like me? Or was I the only weak one?

I try to sniffle back the tears I can feel brewing in the back of my eyes, but that only angers my head more.

I let out a stifled cry of pain and a beep resounds from one of the monitors next to me.

A few seconds later, a very tired, broken looking man rushes in. 

"Y/N?" He asks, almost shocked when he sees me. "You're awake?"

He steps closer to me, almost hesitant.

"Do... do you remember me?"

I look at him, really look at him for a moment. Dark circles are prominent under his eyes, his clothes and hair disheveled. But, of course I remember him.

"Yes, Joongie. I remember you vividly."

He beams and then wraps himself around me. He breaths me in like a drug. His hands hold my head and his forehead connects with mine. All the while he keeps whispering, "I missed you. I missed you so much."

"I was only out for a little bit..." I whisper back to him, wrapping my hands around his shoulders, but feel him tense up. "...Right?"

"Three days. You were out for three days."

"Holy fuck. What the hell happened to me?"

And then he explains what went down.

The moment Pushee fell to the ground with the knife sticking out of them and their blood pouring out of the wound, Hongjoong, San and Wooyoung ran out of there, carrying me.

They all rushed back here to the compound, and Wooyoung called along the way to tell Yeosang to get ready.

San drove, more like flew, and Hongjoong held me to his chest the whole drive home.

I didn't remember any of that drive.

Then when we all got home, Yeosang wasted no time in doing what he needed to make sure I made a full recovery. He warned everyone of the risks (amnesia, brain damage, yada yada yada) and no one stopped him.

That was until Yeosang confessed he'd need to put me into a sort of medically induced coma for a duration of time.

Hongjoong did not like the idea and the risk associated with that.

Because we have limited resources and one 'medic' it's much riskier to perform any kind of anesthetic or anything along the lines of putting someone under.

The two got into a big fight about it, but Seonghwa managed to convince Hongjoong that it was the best thing to do for me if they wanted to see me again.

And then... they were all just waiting impatiently for me to regain consciousness. 

"Sorry I got myself in the position," I confessed in a murmurer.

"What? Y/N, honey you didn't do anything wrong. You just wanted to have a chance, an evening with a normal life." His thumb stroked my hand and I relished in his warmth.

"I should've asked you to come up there with me or just been satisfied with the food I'd eaten."

"We don't always have to be joined at the hip you know?"

I let out a dry laugh. "Coming from the man who was all over me just a few moments ago."

He pulled his hand away from me. "And just for that comment, I'll be on my way."

"No!" I tried to reach out to him but the movement hurt my head and I hissed out in pain.

His eyes locked onto mine and the sounds of pain coming out of me.

"What is it?" He asks with urgency.

"Just, just my head."

"Do you need something for it?"

"No. I'm gonna be in pain for a while. Nothing's really gonna help it except for time and rest."

"So not even me laying there with you would help?"

"Oh that would just make everything so much worse. Even the thought of another man in my bed beside me is just disgusti-"

He shut me up by putting his lips on mine. They were cold, so were mine. But we warmed each other up.

I could feel the love in his kiss, him telling me how much he missed me.

"I'm not going anywhere," I assured him. "Not unless you're coming with me."

He smiled at me, kissed my nose and snuggled up beside me before I could get another word out.

A/N: Sorry I have to keep this chapter short. Past couple days I've been busy... I got my grad coming up I have shit tones of homework including a term project... got kpop content to watch, idols to clown, family shit and all that. I promise the next chapter will be longer. I'm also trying to keep this book going for a while before I bring it to the big epic finale. But I think I'll add in like 'special chapters' every so often or whatever.

So yeah. Thanks for 270+ reads that is so awesome!!!

Have a great day/night my lovelies!!!

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