17 | Breaking News = Breaking Hearts

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Mikasa has been having a lot of daydreams about Annie on Saturday, and especially today: Sunday. All she was doing was repeating the song 'Baby Don't Cry' by EXO-M thousands of times, staring at her turning, white ceiling fan as she thought of Annie and her... on a beach... or on a bed...

She was sick of the endless dreams and decided to take action. So, she called Annie to come over. What a smartass. Sadly, they were just friends. Or acquaintances. They've been having small talk in her room, discussing things at Trost and gossip. Mikasa couldn't take the friend thing anymore. She wanted to step up. "You know, (y/n) and Armin are dating," Mikasa lied, picking the ends of her hair. She knew Annie liked Armin, so why not take him away? That's when Annie cocked her head to Mikasa, her eyes kind of wide.

"Really?" Annie asked in monotone, only releasing a little bit of curiosity in her vocal cords. "Isn't (y/n) dating Levi?"

"No, she broke up with him for some reasons she won't tell me," Mikasa fibbed. "You know that picture on Instagram, posted by that weird guy from our school?"

"The one where Armin was kissing (y/n) on the floor?" Annie asked to confirm. Mikasa nodded.

"They did that on purpose, the comments below saying it was on accident are all lies," Mikasa lied again, while snickering. Annie looked down at the bedsheets, narrowing her eyes and keeping her straight face on.


"Alright, I'll do it," I said, while exhaling. Armin smiled at me. Today was the day I was going to tell Levi about my sudden... pregnancy. The other day when I found out, I never realized I had a one-and-a-half-month bump on my stomach. I felt sick thinking about it. Third hour ended as I was holding my lunch box like a Japanese school girl.

"Good luck," Armin patted my shoulder and headed off. I bit my lip while pursing them. I looked down, picked at the ends of my baggy, flowy shirt, and then headed to the bleachers to meet Levi. I exhaled once again as I marched outside. My messy bun was bobbing everywhere, as I finally reached the bleachers. For the last four minutes, we've been developing small talk and just staying quiet. I sat in a crisscrossed way with my legs. I decided to finally tell Levi, despite my hunger.

"I'm pregnant," I blurted out, shoving a huge spoonful of chocolate Jell-O in my mouth, repeating that cycle. At least I brought four of them. SHIT I HAVE TO EAT HEALTHY, I thought, spitting the Jell-O back in the cup. I didn't wanna hold it, so I awkwardly threw it over my shoulder.

"Is it mine?" He asked.

"Yes?" I said, making it sound unsure. I only had sex with you, I thought.

"Oh really?"

"Yes," I confirmed.

"Are you sure?"

"YES IT IS YOUR CHILD," I blurted out, sort of laughing.

"Are you worried?" He asked, turning to me. I looked into his stoic, concrete eyes. I shrugged. He looked down, his hair flowing in front of his face. "I'm sorry," he muttered. I widened my eyes.

"What?" I asked, choking out a worried laugh. "No need to be sorry! Th-this is great!"

"Stop lying," he said.

"Okay look, I'm worried. Teen pregnancy is... unusual and new to me. But I'm excited, to be honest... because the child was made with someone I love," I smiled, giving an awkward and unattractive thumbs-up. He looked bored, but his face softened. "Vous allez romper avec moi ne sont pas vous? (You're gonna break up with me aren't you?)" I sighed.

He instantly shot his head up. "Êtes vous putain fou? (Are you fucking crazy?)" Levi said, kissing my forehead. "A might look like a person who would do that, but I won't." I smiled brighter and side-hugged him. "Children," he said playfully, rolling his eyes. "I guess I have to get used to them now."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. I'm so glad we're looking on the positive side of all the flaws.

. . . . .

Armin's been muttering to himself in the hallways, getting ready to go to fifth hour. Eren turns to look over to him, and is suspicious. He stops Armin in his tracks, which makes him look up from his thoughts. He sees Eren looking at him, concerned. "What's wrong?" Eren asked.

"(y/n), she's—" Armin cut himself off. He widened his eyes. I shouldn't tell him. He would get furious if he found out the breaking news that could probably literally break his heart... Armin pondered.

"What? She's what?" Eren pressed, his turquoise orbs getting smaller.

"It's nothing don't worry about it!"

"Is (y/n) in danger or something?!" Eren walked forward, stepping on Armin's shoes.

"Huh? No, well, uh- not exactly..." Armin smiled anxiously.

"What is it, Armin?!" Eren yelled. Armin started to feel extremely pressured and stressed. He finally exposed the news out.

"(y/n) is pregnant!"

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now