4 | Guys That Interfere With Relationships

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Sasha was out of the hospital, and you were so glad because she looked back to normal, and her very nice doctor said all of her suicidal thoughts are gone. You were happy she was back, and she had way more friends too. You dialed down on Wendy's with her, and bought less fatty Lays or Pringles chips. It was for the good of both of you guys. Her little friend Connie stayed with her a lot now, helping her recover with jokes, laughing and long conversations at lunch. Practically everyone found out she starved herself, and those big bully idiots left her alone and she didn't have any hater obstacles in her way. Life was bigger and better for her.

The third hour ending bell went off, and that meant it was lunch time. The halls spilled with students and some teachers. Immature boys were running in the halls and some girls were walking way too slow, applying on flavored EOS lip balm and trying to shove their mechanical pencils in their filled expensive Vera Bradley pencil cases. You tried to stay at the edge of the hall, one side of yourself dragging against the dark blue lockers and your other shoulder getting hit by passing people. Some idiot pushed you down and you tripped on this one dudes binders and fell. Your textbooks were on the ground and your stomach felt shot, since you landed on that.

Someone gutted you before you fell, then pushed. You guessed you laid there for a couple minutes, because mostly everyone was gone to lunch. You couldn't stand for some reason, and it bothered you. You got one knee up when you saw a pair of hiking books walk up to you. You figured it was a guy and he squatted down to take your hand. "Need help?" He offered. His breath smelt like sweets and you knew who it was.


"Y-yeah," You muttered, hiding your inner excitement as he lifted you up by taking your wrist. You felt dizzy when you got up, and you struggled to regain your balance. When you finally did, he already got your textbooks and binders off the floor.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a caring voice. You were shocked he sounded like that, so you instantly lifted your head up. You studied his gorgeous, silky black undercut hair and concerned eyes. He had his usual poker face on, but his muscles were relaxed. He looked normal and not angry nor bored. "You're kind of bleeding."

"Huh?" You questioned. He brushed his thumb over your chin, and a thin streak of blood was on his finger. Your heart started to thump faster. I'M DATING EREN, I'M DATING EREN, DAMMIT STOP BEING EXCITED! IT'S JUST... Levi...

"Disgusting," he muttered. He handed your things to you carefully, unlike the time he threw your textbook on you in his awesome, expensive car.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay," You blushed. "Hey, uh, Levi?"


"Could we continue our French thingy?" His eyes softened and he nodded.

"Just come home with me. Meet me next to the stairs," he said. You nodded and he patted your shoulder and walked away.

. . . . .

"Comment vas-tu? (How are you?)" Levi asked, with all that sexy accent. You gulped and searched for the right response in your mind, until you got it.

"Je suis très bon, Levi. (I am very good, Levi.)"

"Vous s'améliorent dans votre accent, [Y/N]. I'm très impressionné. (You are improving in your accent, [Y/N]. I'm very impressed.)" Levi replied, a grin plastered on his face.

Dares, Liars, and Two-Guy Drama [Levi x Reader x Eren] AUWhere stories live. Discover now